Chapter 29 Hermione Granger, Minister Extraordinaire

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This evening I lay my head down on the almost double the size of a king size bed adorned in green silk sheets and a black and silver duvet with the silver Malfoy monogrammed 'M' in the middle. Nothing less than completely ostentatious and it would surprise me if it was not embroidered in spun silver, yet it is fitting in the room and Manor that it is housed in. Alongside me rests the Lord of the Manor who is trying to hide the fact he is watching over me with an intense fear of me relapsing.

We made it here, and in the door, and up the stairs, and past the room. Each of these were a baby step in my mind. For him it was walking down the halls of his childhood home, even with the ghosts of his past that this building holds. I never knew how haunting this home was for him also, I was too focused on the ghosts that plagued me.

"When this is all over, can we go back to your loft?"

"When this is all over, I plan on buying someplace just for us. I don't think the loft will suffice."

I turn to him propping myself up on one elbow, startled, "What? When were you planning on telling me this?"

"Probably when I had it narrowed down to two or three places." I see the twinkle return to his eyes as his famous smirk returns to his sinful lips as he runs his fingers through his platinum locks. He's coming back to me, faster than I came back to him though. I can't help but smile. There's no more fear in his eyes. No more trepidation lurking in his mannerisms.

"Oh so you were going to let me have 'some' say in it. Thanks," I say with such a grain of snark that it would fill the entire Manor.

"What? You're a busy woman. Managing a family, one that seems only slightly controlled on a good day, the whole wizarding community, me - which I admit isn't easy in its own right. How can I expect you to do all this and find the perfect house for someone with as discriminating taste like mine?"

"How about we come up with a list of things we both want together, and then go from there." I bat my eyelashes at him like a teenager seeing her favorite fanboy crush as I give him a peck on his cheek.

He sniggers, shaking his head at the blatant flirting, "Darling, can I have you come into the next contract negotiations I have? Your finesse in negotiations is impeccable. Agreed."

"If you want someone to help you in contract negotiations, get George. He taught me everything I know. And considering what I end up having to compromise on - more times when some piece of trash is handed to me in the way of the 'next great law for all of wizardkind' - his tips and tricks have come in very useful."

"All in a day in the life of Hermione Granger, Minister extraordinaire. I might take your suggestion, since he is staying under my roof for the time being." He pulls me to his lips, his one hand that was under me now grasping my arse while he cups my face in the other hand. "You seem much more relaxed this time around. How are you feeling?" He whispers to me between kisses.

I wrap my leg over him, my fingers gently sliding down his chest, "Well I am. I think I might have actually closed the door on this demon."

"Really love?" He kisses me again, this time with much more intensity and need.

"Yes," I finally get out more as a breath than a word as my fingers find the buttons on his button down shirt and start undoing them. I hear him moan my name which has my body quivering in anticipation. I slowly pull back his shirt, exposing his chest and abs. I start kissing everywhere I can reach, quenching my desire for his closeness and the physical contact.

"Love, are you sure?" His tone is concerned but I know the fire that is threatening to consume him.

I don't say a word, instead I show him how sure I am. This building that housed our demons for so very long, will be filled with screams of pleasure tonight, if up to me. So I quickly reach over to the bedside table and cast the strongest silencing charm on the room I can and lock and seal the doors so we aren't interrupted. Tossing it aside, my attention is turned back to the man lying between my legs and his wand.

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