Chapter 35 It Feels Like Second Year All Over Again*

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I want to scream at someone. I do have questions. I also have answers. This feels like second bloody year all over again. The only difference is it is Draco doing something stupid this time - not Harry and Ronald - not knowing all the information and just charging ahead. And I don't have a bloody crumpled up piece of parchment to help him stuck in my hand.

Draco is thinking that Scorp might have to kill Lucius, and he is going to take the fall for his son. Until then he wants to distance himself.

Neither of these are going to happen on my watch. I'm the bloody Minister! I forbid it to happen.

Hopefully I still have enough pull to make it happen, after I get out of this bloody hospital bed.

Right now, that isn't an option for me though. I can't warn Harry, Kingsley, or the Weasleys. I am trapped in my body; not able to communicate, not able to do much.

I don't know how I feel about the procedure that the healers performed on me. I was pregnant. Past tense. It could have been Lucius or Draco's child. Draco, Harry, and Ginny felt it best that I not carry the child; Harry and Ginny because of the ongoing trauma that it would cause me not knowing, Draco was fearful of Lucius trying to create the newest and more evil version of Voldemort. I don't know how he feels that it could have been his child. Was he using that as an excuse to distance himself, so that he wouldn't be so hurt by the loss? Or is his current distancing the actual result of the loss of his possible baby?

I can only go over these points in my brain all day as I lay in the bed unable to move, unable to talk, unable to do much other than hear what is going on around me.

"Draco, where are you going?" Gin bellows. Oh hell, she's pissed, I can tell from the pitch in her voice - she goes up an octave or two when she is mad. "You're going to leave her? Like this?"

"Ginevra, I have to leave. I have to protect her."

"We have aurors for that. Kingsley has it under control. She"

"I need to be there, he is directing everything at me! Her, Rose, Scorpius - don't you see? It is a direct assault to me. Only I can get rid of him and I have to." He sighs and I feel his hand squeezing mine, "I have to so we can live in peace. So Rose and Scorp can have a happily ever after. I don't deserve one. I never deserved her."

"I call bull on that. Look at you. The way you woke her up, made her feel alive and happy. You may not deserve her, but she wants you. It isn't about you, you dimwit. Think about her. How broken she'll be if you are gone. She will fight to keep you and Scorp out of Azkaban, and we will be right beside you. When you get a Granger, the Potters, and Weasleys to do something; we get it done. You and your son both will be out of Azkaban, you both will be happy, and in a few years you'll be annoying Scorp and Rosie with a busyness of ferret kits running around. Al has resigned himself to 'big cousin' or as he calls it 'Uncle Al duty' and resident babysitter."

I hear his deep laugh, if only for a second. "I don't think I trust your son babysitting my kids, or even my possible grandkids."

"He'll be decent at it. Better than James."

"That isn't saying anything from what I've heard about your oldest."

"I'm not denying that James has a long way to go before he is father material. But if I recall, you were not anywhere near father material either at his age."

Merlin I want to laugh at this. Ginny just hit the nail on the head. I put everything I have into moving any part of my body.

"See, she agrees with me. She's smiling," Ginny says excitedly.

"She probably is agreeing to the fact that James is a terrible babysitter" his hoarse voice chimes as he squeezes my hand. My finger twitches in his and he leans down and kisses my forehead gently. "That's it, isn't it. You understand my position baby. I can't put you in danger. I can't put Rose in danger."

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