Fix the Broken || Lashton

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"I got to go Mikey!" Ashton said through the speakers.

"Alright bye Ash!" Michael waved.

Then video chat ended.

Ashton got up and took off his headphones and placed them on his bed.

You look at the time and he was two minutes late.But he didn't care.
Ashton grabbed his backpack and walked out of his house.

His mom was always at work, never spent time with her only son.Ashton's drunken dad stays at home 'taking care' of him.His dad would always beat him for not getting good grades or telling him he is worthless because he's gay.His dad found out because in middle school Ashton had a boyfriend and they kissed goodbye after school and apparently his dad saw.
Then they had broke up.

That damaged Ashton.He was already bullied but now his dad hates him even more.
Since then Ashton shut people out.He no longer talks.He ignores everyone and avoids.But Ashton is a active Internet kid.He loves everyone on there and they love him back.
Especially his best friend Michael.They were like brothers.Even though they lived far apart, they managed to see each other sometimes.
There's the sad times where Ashton gets on tumblr and logs in his suicidal account.That's different.It's like he's in his real world now.
Ashton starves, cuts and much more.He's not proud of what he's doing but it reliefs him.A lot.

Once Ashton got to school he walked into his first period and ignored the teacher.He threw his backpack on his table and sat down.

"Faggot" a jock whispered.

Again Ashton ignored.He sighed and felt someone starring at him.He tried ignoring that but that person wouldn't stop starring.
Ashton turned his head and saw a boy with nice blonde hair and such dreamy blue eyes.

That boy quickly looked away writing down notes.
Ashton just shrugged it off and sat there looking out the window.
Thinking about ending his life and everything else.

"Hey do you want to be my partner?" Ashton turned around and saw that boy again.

Ashton didn't reply and just turned away.
Then he felt that person sit next to him.

"I'm Luke" he greeted, Even though Ashton had his back on him.

"So you want to talk?" Luke was still talking to him.

"Luke! why are you talking to that freak?" one of the cheerleader sluts asked him.

"He's my partner!" Luke answered causal.

"I didn't agree to that" Ashton mumbled turning to Luke.

"Get over here Luke! You're wasting your time with that faggot."

"No I'm not." Luke replied and looked at Ashton.

"Leave me alone." Ashton put his head down.

"But I want to work with you!" Luke whined.

"Leave" Ashton rises his voice.

That surprised Luke and he slowly got up and walked over to his group.

"So I've heard that Kaley is anorexic" one brunette girl said.

" Really? ew that bitch needs to die.That's ugly" the blonde cheerleader said.

"What's anorex-"

The bell rang.Dam it Luke thought.
Might as well look it up.

While time passed lunch was finally here.

Fix the Broken»Lashton (editing)Where stories live. Discover now