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Filler Chapter...

(Not edited)


"Michael I still have school tomorrow" Ashton groaned.

It was nearly ten at night and both boys were playing mine craft.

"Don't go then." Michael rubbed his eyes.

"Okay." Ashton shrugged. "let's stop playing.It's getting boring and my head is hurting." Ashton got up and stretched.

"Wanna stay over?" Michael asked as he turned off his Xbox.

"Where am I going to sleep?" Ashton asked looking around the small motel room.

"On my bed of course." Michael dramatically fell on his bed.

"Didn't you and Calum make out on that." Ashton teased.

"I wish." Michael cuddled to one of the pillows. "anyways two people can fit in this bed."

"Okay..." Ashton sat on the bed.

"So about you and Luke.Are you guys dating now?" Michael questioned as he turned off the lights.

"What no! What gave you that idea." Ashton blushed.

"I saw you two talking alone.Luke was making you blush and laugh.You looked so happy with him and then I saw that hug and how he kissed your forehead, oh and how you wanted so badly to kiss his lips and-"

"Shut up Mikey!" Ashton groaned as he took off his shoes.

"It's true.I saw the way you were starring at his lips." Michael smirked.

"Yeah and I saw the way you were looking at Calum.You were basically undressing him." Ashton rolled his eyes and laid down.

"I ship you two." Michael whispered.

"You ship everyone." Ashton pulled the blankets over his chest.

"No.I mean like I really think you two are made for each other." Michael smiled at his adorable best friend.

"Yea sure." Ashton turned his back on Michael.

"How do you feel about Luke?" Michael played with string poking out of the blanket.

"I don't really know.I think I like him but in the same time I think he's playing with me." Ashton sighed.

"You should trust him..." Michael trailed off.

"And what if he really was playing with me?" Ashton asked.

"Try to move on.I will be there for you." Michael hugged him from behind.

"I don't want to risk that." Ashton's voice cracked.

"Are you crying?" Michael gasped and climbed over Ashton to see his face.

Ashton didn't reply instead he tried to wipe away his tears.

"I'm so sorry." Michael felt guilt fill in him.

"Don't apologize.It's my fault that I haven't told you what happened in the past and right now." Ashton hiccuped.

"What do you mean?" Michael questioned.

"I don't want to make myself any worse." Ashton simply said.

"Ash what do you mean?" Michael placed his hand on his cheek.

"I'm not that happy person...y-you think I am..." Ashton mumbled.

Michael felt himself break.

"I guess you can say I'm suicidal.I stopped cutting though.Also Luke helped me eat a little more." Ashton half smiled at the sound of the name.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Michael sat up.

"I thought you would hate me." Ashton sat up as well.

"I used to have depression.I'm bullied for being gay.I also used to self harm.That's all.I tried to commit suicide as well... I still have the scar." Michael rolled up his sleeve. "Now I find it silly that I cut to relieve myself.I feel stupid for trying to end my life because if I did.I wouldn't be here right now." Michael brought Ashton closer to him.While the sad boy laid his head on Michael's chest.

"Wow I never thought you were like that..." Ashton murmured.

"You know what they say, The saddest people have the brightest smile.You got to be strong. " Michael rubbed Ashton's back.

"Michael?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"You're my hero." Ashton hugged Michael.

"Am I?" Michael smiled wide. "that's the nicest thing someone has ever said to me."

"You really are.I think you just inspired me." Ashton smiled. "I will try to be strong."

"Don't try.Just do it." Michael still had his smile.

Ashton nodded.

"Well good night." Michael yawned.

"Good night"

Fix the Broken»Lashton (editing)Where stories live. Discover now