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Luke looked around the school and still didn't find Ashton.He didn't see him during lunch.

Was he avoiding him?Luke didn't want Ashton to avoid him.He loves him.He wants to see that dimpled grin of his.Luke only had minute left to go to his Biology class.Luke didn't want to get a detention for being late.

"Luke are you sure you're gay?" A blonde girl with a mini skirt and a crop top came up to him.

"Uh yes.." Luke tried to push past the crowd.

"Are you sure you don't want any of this?" She showed off her fairly thin body.

Luke scrunched his nose in disgust and left the girl.The bell rang when Luke set his foot in the classroom.

"Hemmings you're late.Again." Ms.Finn took off her glasses.

"I was in before the bell rang!" Luke whined.

"You have to be in your seat." She gave him a stern look.

"I'm sorry! I will try not to be late next time." Luke groaned.

"That's what you said last time." She grabbed a detention slip. "now go sit down while I fill out your slip."

Luke flipped her off when she looked away and mumbled some profanities.

The whole class was starring.

"Look away fuckers." Luke told them.

"Mr.Hemmings watch your mouth." Ms.Finn told him.

"Well they won't mind their fucking business." Luke threw his backpack and sat down.This was not his day.


"Dude are you alright?" Calum asked.

"No." Luke mumbled as he sat on the grass.

"What happened?" Calum sat beside him.

"Ashton wasn't anywhere to be seen.I got worried that some guys were beating him but he wasn't in any of my classes... I guess he's absent today." Luke shrugged.

"That's all?" Calum pulled out some of the grass.

"I got detention for being late.I mean I was in the class room but Ms.Finn is like 'you have to be in your seat'" Luke mocked the old woman's voice.

"Dude I hate her." Calum scoffed and he tore the grass into thin strings.

"Everyone does." Luke watched the flowers slowly fall off the beautiful Cherry Blossom tree.

The silence was peaceful, you can hear the kids playing from a distance.

"Hey, look your boyfriend." Calum pointed.

Luke looked over at the direction to see Ashton walking with that color headed boy.

"And your flirty man." Luke smirked. "it seems like you're playing hard to get with him."

"I am." Calum chuckled. "he's pretty hot though."

"Are they literally going to play on the playground." Luke smiled as he watched the two boys trying to slide down the tiny slide.

"Wanna join them?" Calum asked.

"Sure why not?" Luke got up wiping the left over grass.

"Hey guys." Luke waved at them.

"Hello." Michael smiled.

"Mind if we join ya?" Calum asked.

"Um.If you can't see, Ashton and I are kinda stuck." Michael pointed to themselves.

"Here let me help you." Luke went over to Ashton.

Ashton's cheeks grew red as he felt Luke wrap his arms him and the their cheeks touched for a spilt second.

Luke pulled and pulled.

"Almost o-out!" Luke squeezed his eyes shut.

Luke pulled him out but Ashton fell on top of him.Ashton's face red like a tomato now.Neither of them didn't want to move.They both wanted to stay in this position.

"Thank you." Michael nodded at Calum.

"You're welcome." Calum smiled. "Luke get off your boyfriend."

"Huh?" Luke looked.

"Oooh get some!" Michael teased.

"Shut it. " Ashton quickly got off of Luke. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize." Luke sat up.

"Just kiss or something." Michael pouted. "You two are so cute!"

Ashton wanted to slap Michael.Instead he glared at him.

"I want to kiss him...again." Luke mumbled at the last part.

"AGAIN?!" Calum gasped.

Luke nodded with a faint blush on his cheeks.

"Well we should go!" Ashton pulled Michael to the opposite direction.

"What kiss?!" Michael back away.

"N-Nothing" Ashton looked away with embarrassment.

Luke sadly looked at Ashton. Was he embarrassed about the kiss? He asked himself.

"Lets go Cal." Luke mumbled as he walked away.

Calum confusingly look at Luke and waved goodbye at the two boys.

"You made Luke cry." Michael faked a sad face.

"What?! no I didn't!" Ashton gasped.

"Well you made him sad." Michael shrugged.

Ashton stood there quietly.

"Why didn't you tell me about the kiss?" Michael asked.

Fix the Broken»Lashton (editing)Where stories live. Discover now