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-(Not edited)-


"Are you sure you're fine?" Luke asked.

It was already ten at night and Ashton was shaking scared.

"Y-Yea... I'm fine." Ashton had trouble breathing.

"Babe." Luke hugged him. "don't lie to me" Luke leaned in their noses touching.

Ashton's eyes widen at the name.Suddenly the porch lights turned on and the door swung open.

"Ashton- you're dating a guy?!" His dad yelled. "what did I fucking tell you!"

"No dad he's not my-" Ashton tried to tell him but he a strong sting from his cheek. His vision quickly getting getting blurry.

"Hey! You're suppose to fucking respect your own child!" Luke fumed holding close to Ashton.

"This faggot isn't my son. Get out of here before I call the cops on you. I can't allow you spreading the disease even more!" Ashton's dad harshly pulled Ashton into the house making him fall on the ground.

"Leave him alone." Ashton tried getting up but his dad kicked his stomach.

"Stay the fuck down. You're going to sleep in the basement tonight." His father roared as he slammed the door in front of Luke's face.

Luke stood there shocked.He quickly jumped over the fence. Looking for the basement door. He heard bagging and yelling in the house. A door slammed shut as Luke heard sobbing. He found the door and quietly knocked on it. The sobbing. There was silence and the basement door opened.

"L-Luke get out." Ashton rubbed his eyes.

"I'm not leaving you." He pouted as he took him in his arms. "I would never."

Ashton hugged him back.

"Thank you." Ashton whispered.


I don't have time to write bc school-.- I serious want to murder some people.

Anyways read @CumForBands new story. it's really good :D he said I inspired him to it bc of my mashton book and I felt so blessed c; no jk but tht really meant something.

Thanks again for being patient :)

Love you all x ❤❤

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