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Violet's POV

He did it again. He broke another girl's heart. I did not like the way Ginny was acting before, but now, I can't help but feeling really sorry for her. 

I need some fresh air. I walked up the stairs and onto the balcony. As I let the soft breeze run through my hair, I heard somebody crying softly not far from here. I walked forwards following the sound. I stopped to see a familiar ginger sobbing into her hands. 

"Ginny?" She looked up, tears glistening in her eyes. I expected her to say something rude to me but she didn't. Instead she got up and gave me a hug crying into my shoulder.

"Oh, Vi, i'm so sorry."

"What for?"

"For everything. I have been acting so horrible to you. Now I know how it feels to get my heart broken from someone I love."

"I know Ginny, it's ok. After a while, you will get over it and soon you'll find someone who will love you even more.." I drifted off thinking about Draco.

"You really love him don't you. Draco." She looked up smirking slightly. I playfully glared at her. "Oh come on, he loves you too." She grinned. I blushed crimson as she carried on playfully teasing me.

"Come on, we should be going back in for Harry's speech."

"Orrrr......." She grinned evilly. Oh no. "We could get revenge on him."

"Yeah no."

"Oh come on Vi , it'll be fun."

"Fine, what do we do?" She started to explain the plan to me. I admit it was good.

".... besides I'm pretty sure George has some polyjuice potion for any pranks he might want to do." She finished, crossing her arms and smirking.


Harry's POV

"Ok Mr. Potter you will go on to do your speech in half an hour." Paul said. He worked in Ministry of magic with me. I nodded. 

I walked around looking for a familiar face to talk to. I feel quiet sad because two girls hate my guts.

"Harry!Harry!" I saw someone coming towards me.

"Nevile! I'm so glad to see you!"

"Yeah, me too. Cauldron cake?" he asked pushing a plate full in front of me.

"Yeah, sure," I said taking one.

"Are you nervous for your speech in an hour?" He asked. I looked at him confused.

"I thought it was in half an hour?" I asked eating the cake. Neville shook his head.

"Paul told me to tell you that they changed it to an hour." I nodded my head taking a second Cauldron Cake.


"Your wel- Wait Harry don't move. I think I see a bug in your hair" My eyes widened.

"Take it out! Please! Now! Hurry!" I panicked.

"Hold on wait." He pulled my hair. "There got it!"

"OWWWW!" I yelled. Well at least at least it was out of my hair.

"Sorry." Neville grinned sheepishly. 

I felt a bit weird. 

"Ummmm Neville, i'll talk to you later. I feel quiet ill." He nodded enthusiastically and walked off. I then ran to the bathroom clutching my stomach.

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