1. Clean Me Off

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Frerard FanFic, Wooh! *Air Fist Pump*

*Frank's POV*

I awaken to the sound of my stupid alarm. I check the time 7:00AM. I throw it across the room so it would shut up. I get up and make my way to the shower. I wash myself and change into a Misfits shirt and black jeans, along with my grey vans and black hoodie. I brush my hair and head downstairs. My parents are probably passed out in their bedroom from the amount of beer that they drank, again. I pop a pop-tart into the toaster. I drink some water while I wait for it to heat up. I springs out of the toaster, scaring me and making me nearly drop the glass cup on the floor.

I take it out and begin to eat it. I swing my backpack over my shoulder and walk to school.

I arrive outside and see many people in groups talking and laughing. I take a deep breath and head into the building. Someone runs by me, they're short and wearing a fedora. Someone else runs, but bumps into me, nearly knocking me to the floor. They stop and look at me. He wears black and white glasses at the rim of his nose, and hair slightly parted at the middle. "Sorry Man, are you okay?" He asks. "Um, yeah, I'm fine" I say and look away. "I haven't seen you around, are you new?" He asks. "Yeah, I'm new" I say and look at him. "Hey, can you help me find the office?" I ask. He smiles "Sure, follow me." We head down the hall.

"I'm Mikey by they way" He says and puts his hand out so I can shake. "I'm Frank" I say and shake his hand. We get to the office and he holds the door for me. "Can I help you?" an old lady asks behind a desk. "I'm new, I need my schedule for Frank Iero" I say and she looks for my schedule in a manila colored folder. "Franklin Iero?" She asks and I nod. She hands me my paper and says "I'll call up somebody to help you find your classes and show you around." "I can help" Mikey perks up "I'll show him around." "Okay Micheal" She says and writes something down "I excused you for the day. Now help this gentleman find his classrooms." He says. He smiles ad we head out. The bell rings.

"Well, at least I got out of classes for the day" He laughs. "So, let me see your schedule" Mikey says and I hand him My schedule

1st- English: Mrs. Monroe

2nd- Math: Mr. Baker

3rd: Science: Mr. Natick

4th: P.E: Mr. Byers

5th: Music: Mrs. Secrist

6th: Cooking: Mr. Armstrong

7th: Art: Mrs. Kimble

"Cool"Mikey says. "Do we have any classes together?" I ask "We have English, Math, Science and P.E together" He says. I'm glad I have many classes with Mikey, he seems cool and he's really nice.

We walk around and he tells me why he was running. He said he was chasing someone named Patrick because he took his pudding. He tells me about the school and different groups, he shows me my classes and he even invited me to eat lunch with them. The lunch bell rings and Mikey and I head to the cafeteria. We walk towards a table with 2 other lads sitting at it.

"Hey guys, this is Frank" Mikey says and they wave at me. I remember they guy with the fedora from this morning "I'm Patrick" he introduces himself. I turn to the other guy wearing 'guyliner.' "I'm Pete" He says ad I smile at them both. We take a seat and talk the whole lunch time. I get to know the guys and they get to know me.

"I'm going to head to my locker real quick" I tell them and they wave me good-bye. They're all nice and cool dudes. I head to my locker and try opening it. At my other school, we didn't have these. I try about 5 times and look around to see if anyone could help me. I see 3 guys. One with blonde hair, another with a sick looking afro and the other with black-black hair and hazel-almost olive eyes. He says something to the other and they walk away.

I turn back to my locker and fumble with it, and I hear foot steps. Someone leans on the lockers and I look up to see the boy with his arms crossing his chest. "You need help there?" He asks. "Um-I-Lock-Help" I stutter. 'That was stupid Iero' I curse myself for saying that. He takes the paper from me and plays around with the locker. I look at his face. His tongue is slightly poking out from his lips and his eyes hold a hard gaze, once he opens the door, his eyes soften.

"There you go" He says and moves aside so I can load my locker. "Thanks" I say and he doesn't go away. "Are you new here?" He asks. "Yeah, I am" I say. "Of course you are" He says "That's why you couldn't open your locker" He laughs. I roll my eyes at his comment. "What's your name kid?" He asks and looks into my eyes, and I swear, you can get lost in them. "Frank" I say simply and close the locker door. He brings his face closer to mine and whispers "you got a last name Frank." Him saying my name like that made shivers go down my spine. "Iero" I whisper and I don't know why I whisper. "I'll see you around Iero" He says and I feel his lips brush my cheek.

He walks past me and as he walks, he takes out a cigarette, he turns to look at me and winks. I could have died on the spot. I zip my bag closed and start making my way towards Cooking with Mr. Armstrong. I get there early and take a seat in a chair by a kitchen section. "You must be new" a ma who I'm guessing is the teacher. He has his hand out for me to shake. I take it and nod 'yes.' "My name is Billie Joe Armstrong. But please, call me Billie. Mr. Armstrong sounds to formal" He smiles and walks away. People start to fill the class and I spot Pete. He sees me and smiles "Hey frank." "Hi Pete" I say. "This class is so fun, you'll like it" He says to me and the class begins.

Chapter 1 is done! Are ya'll enjoying it so far? I hope you are. Make sure to vote, follow, comment, share, all that fun stuff. I think that this story is going to be good. Hope ya'll enjoy. Love you all, have a great day? <3

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