15. I cant control myself because I dont know how

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*Frank's POV*

"What did Ms. Kimble want?" Mikey asks as he takes his seat next to me. "Oh, she just talked to me about a project and asked me to organize some stuff real quick" I lie to him taking out my science notebook. "Mhm" He says and takes out his stuff.


I arrive at our table where Pete and Patrick are. "Where's Mikey?" They ask since we always arrive together. "He said he's going to stay a bit to ask a teacher something" I tell them, but actually, he's going to hang out a bit with Ray. They all nod an 'okay.'

"I'm going to get cheese fries" Patrick says and leaves.

"So, anything new?" I ask Pete. "No, you?" He asks. "Actually" I say and awkwardly scratch the back of my neck. "Tell me!" Pete exclaims "before Patrick comes back. "Well, let's just say I missed some of class" I say and my face instantly goes red at the memory.

"Oh my god!" Pete exclaims "he fucked you!" "No, he didn't" I say. "You fucked him?" He asks and I nod 'no'. "He sucked your dick?" He questioned. "Nope" I respond with a grin. "You sucked his dick?!" Pete exclaims rather loudly. "Shut up, your to loud" I say. "So it's true?" He asks. "Yup" I say. "Oh my god Frank! You whore" he laughs and reaches over the table to playfully punch my shoulder.

"What did I miss?" Patrick asks taking his seat next to Pete. "Oh, nothing" Pete says with a chuckle. "Are you doing to the party at Bob's tonight?" I ask them. "Hell yeah" Pete says. "Sure" Patrick says. "Me too" I say and take a drink from my Monster. (I love monsters).

Finally, Mikey arrives a few minutes later. "Hey mikes" Pete says. "What's up guys" mikey says and takes a seat next to me. "Just chatting about the party later" Patrick says. "Let's all hang together, unlike on Wednesday, we all went our separate ways" Patrick says. "Agreed" Pete says. "Yeah, agreed" I say and look at mikey. "Sure" he says.

We all chat for a while, and finally the bell rings. Pete and I make our way to cooking and work our ass off there.

Time for art. I sit at my spot and the late bell rings, Gerard isn't here yet, rare, but at the same time it's not. Gerard has drawn me for the project, but I still have to draw him. If Gerard was here, I could draw him and get this project over with.

The door opens with Gerard walking in, with a cop? The one that was at the coffee shop. They talk with Ms. Kimble and Gerard turns to me and smirks.

"What shit did your boy toy get in?" Bruce asks me. "Shut up, he's not my boy toy. And I don't care if he gets in trouble" I say. "Okay, but this isn't the first time he walks in with the cops" Bruce says and goes back to being on his phone.

It's not the first time? "Wait Bruce" I say "what do you mean it's not the first time?" "I thought you didn't care" he says looking up at me. "Answer my damn question" I say a little too loud, it made some heads turn. "Well, last i heard, he got busted with drugs, hookers and beer, he gets into fights to sometimes when he's drunk" he say and mumbles something. "What was that" I ask.

"Oh, nothing" he says. "Bruce, your getting on my fucking nerve right now" I say. "I said he sends people to hospitals sometimes after fights" he says a bit louder attracting more attention. I was shocked, that doesn't sound like Gerard.

"See, you would be in better hands if you were with some one like me pretty boy" he says with a wink. "Shut up and turn back around" I say and he turns around with his attention back on his phone. Does Mikey know about this?

I look up at Gerard as he walks to his seat next to me. The police leave and I turn to Gerard. "What was that about?" I ask. "Nothing that concerns you" he says in a rather harsh voice. I scowl and put my head on my desk, I decide to take a nap for the rest of the class.

Someone taps on my shoulder. It was Bruce. I run my eyes and yawn. "Wake up sleepy head, class was over like 5 minutes ago" he says. "And why didn't you wake me up when the bell rang?" I ask. "You looked peaceful" he says with a shrug. I grab my stuff and begin to walk to my locker.

"Wait, Frank" I hear Bruce behind me. "Yes?" I ask as I put in my locker combination. "are you going to Bob's party tonight?" He asks leaning on the other lockers. "Yeah, why?" I ask suspiciously. "I was wondering, would you wanna like, go together?" He asks. "You want to go, with me?" I ask a bit surprised. "Well, yeah" he says.

"Actually, I was going to hang with my friends" I say. And when I looked into his eyes, I saw the hope in them go away and he frowns a bit. "Oh, okay. Maybe next time?" He asks. "You can hang out with us if you'd like" I offer. "Really?" He says. "Sure" I say. "Great! I'll meet you there" he says and kisses my cheek.

Where'd that come from? "Well, see you later" he says with a  smile and walks away. Hopefully I did a good thing and invited him to hang with us. I close my locker door and walk out the building. I scan the parking lot and see it's empty, except Gerard's car. He's leaning on the door with a cigarette in hand.

He sees me, throws the cigarette butt on the floor, squishes it with his heel, and gets in his car. Driving off.

It's 12:01 am. December 26. Hope y'all who celebrate Christmas had a good time yesterday. What did you guys get?

Take this chapter as a late present :)

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