5. What if i wanted to fight

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*Frank's POV *
The bell rings and school is finally over. I check my phone to see a text from Mikey.

Mikey: just wanted to ask if your still up to come over to mine.

Frank: I'm down

Mikey: meet me outside of the school doors

As I make my way out, I trip on something, better yet, someone. It's that one asshole with the lip ring from before. "Faggot" he says as he walks away, leaving a few people to laugh at me. I stand and dust my self off. I walk out to see Mikey, Pete and Patrick. As they see me they squeal. "What's all this excitement about?" I chuckle. "American horror story tonight! Ugh, it's so good" Patrick says.

We make our way to Mikey's house and everyone takes their shoes off, so I do so too. "Okay, we've got 3 hours till the show starts, what do you guys want to do mean while?" Mikey asks. "Pizza" Pete says. "Okay, is pepperoni fine Frank?" Mikey asks. "Actually" I begin "in vegetarian" I say. "Oh okay" Mikey says. "So a large pepperoni and a small vegetarian sounds good?" Mikey asks and we nod. "I'll be back" Mikey giggles and goes into the kitchen.

"So, Frank" Pete says. "Have you seen any one cute yet?" Patrick finished his sentence/question. I blush at that question. I can't tell them that I've got eyes for Gerard. "Any cute girls?" Pete asks which makes my face go to a darker shade of red. "Are you gay?!" They both whisper/scream. "Shh guys, your to fucking loud" I laugh. "So, are you?" Pete asks and I lightly punch his arm. "I'll take that as a yes" Patrick says and I also lightly punch his arm. "It's cool dude, Patrick is also gay, Mikey is Bisexual, and I'm Pansexual" Pete says. "Okay" I nod. That's actually pretty cool. "So, who do you have eyes for so far?" Pete asks wiggling an eyebrow. "Well" I say and Pete and Patrick have their full attention on me.

"There's this guy in my art class" I say "and he's in our grade" I smile at the thought of Gerard. "Ah! Frank is into the artsy guys" Pete exclaims "proceed." "He has this amazing black hair, and the most gorgeous eyes" I say. "Oh for Petes sake!" Patrick says "what's his name! And see what I did there, haha." "His name is Gerard" I say and see Pete and Patrick with jaws dropped.

"Sorry to keep your hopes up, but he's off limits" Pete says resting a hand on my shoulder. "Why?" I ask. "Two words, Bad News" Patrick says. "Also, Mikey is-" Pete begins but is cut off by Mikey walking Into the room. "The pizza will be here in 5 minutes" Mikey chimes in (I CHIMED IN WITH A HAVEN'T YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF>> CLOSING THE GOD DAMN DOOR)

"What we're we talking about?" MIkey asks sitting criss-cross next to me on the floor. "Just his actual first day" Patrick covers up. Mikey nods and says "Hey, were were you at lunch?" Shit, I didn't think that he would remember. "Um, to my locker like I said" I tell him and he looks at me confused. "And it took you all lunch time?" Mikey asks. "And sixth period?" Pete asks and Patrick and Mikey stare at him confused. "You ditched!" MIkey exclaims. "Well, no. !-" I begin but was cut off by Mikeys phone ringing. "It's my brother" He scoffs "excuse me."

"Mikey has a brother?" I ask. Pete and Patrick look at each other. There's a couple of knocks on the door and I go answer it. It's the pizza, we exchange money and pizza and I shut the door. "Mikey" I call "pizza is here." He runs into the living room and jumps onto the couch. "And, American horro story is on in 5 minutes" he says switching to FX. Once it starts, the guys open the pizza and share while I grab my vegetarian one and place it on my lap.

"That was amazing!" Pete screams. I look at Patrick who is crying. "Why are you crying?" I ask. "The season ended" he says in between cries. Pete chuckles at Patrick. "It's not funny" Patrick says and places a pillow on his face. "Patrick!" Mikey whines "you're getting your boogers on my pillow." "Come here Pat" Pete says with wide arms to Patrick and hugs him. "Better?" Pete asks. Patrick nods.

"Well, what now?" I ask. "We usually chill and play video games" Mikey says. "Okay, well, I've gotta go home" i say. "Aw, why?" Patrick asks rubbing his eyes. "My Dad would probably get me in trouble for not contacting him or staying out late on a school night" I say and stand up "thanks for everything guys" I say. "Bye" they all say and I walk out.

I walk for about 3 minutes, when a car I recognize rolls up. "Where you going babe?" Gerard rolls down his window and drops his sunglasses to the bridge of his nose. "Um, going home" I say. "Get in, I'll give you a ride" he says and I smile and hop in. "Where were you? You live on the other side of town" Gerard asks lighting up a cigarette. "I was at a friends house" I say and stare at him as he blows out smoke. "Want one?" He asks. "S-sure" I say. "The packs right there and here's the lighter" Gerard ways handing me the lighter and pointing to the headboard where the box of cigarettes are.

"Where were you heading?" I ask lighting the cigarette. "Home" he says and takes a turn onto my street. We arrive to my house and I put out my cigarette. "Thanks for the ride" I say "and the cig." "No problem" Gerard says and puts out his cigarette. I look at him and stare at him, is eyes. He looks at me to and stares into my eyes. I feel myself lean in, and I swear he leaned in too. But it can't be...

He's straight.

But I'm probably wrong, because next thing you know, your lips connect.

Sorry for the late update :3

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