23. Girls like girls like boys do

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*Pete's POV*
The bell rings and school is finally over. I head over to meet Patrick at his locker. He sees me through the crowd of people and jogs to me. He runs into my arms and hugs me. "Hey boyfriend" he giggles.

"Hey boyfriend" I respond and kiss his cheek with a smile. Yup, Patrick and I are finally dating. After the party I asked him out and he said yes. I'm really glad.

"Ready to head to Mikey's?" I ask as he closes his locker door. "Yup" he responds and we walk hand in hand to Mikey's locker. As we walk, we see him talking and laughing with Ray. THE Ray Toro.

Mikey sees us and talks to Ray, and he leaves. Patrick runs up to Mikey "Mikey Way!" He exclaims "Did we just see you talking to Ray Toro?" Mikey chuckles "yeah, he's really cool." "That's cool Mikes" I respond and pat him on the back.

"You should invite him to hang with us, since I feel bad for making you third wheel" Patrick says and hugs me. "He's right, your always third wheeling" I agree with Patrick.

"Um no, I think that's a bad-" Mikey says but Patrick is already running towards Ray's direction. "Isn't he just cute" I gush to Mikey about Patrick. He just laughs. Patrick exchanges a few words with Ray and Ray exchanges words with Patrick. Soon, they're both walking to us.

"Good! Ray's coming over" Patrick says and pushes Mikey to Ray. "Really?" Mikey asks Ray. "Sure, Gerard won't mind" he says. "Where is Gerard anyways?" Mikey asks. "I don't know" Ray responds and we begin walking to Mikey's house.

"It's strange" Mikey say once we arrive to his house. "What's strange?" I ask cuddling with Patrick. "We don't know where Gerard is and Frank doesn't answer his phone" Mikey says and looks at Ray. "I didn't see Gerard, he left after lunch and didn't come back" Ray says.

"I think there's something going on between them" Mikey says and I stiffen. Don't tell me their fucking. I guess Patrick feels me stiffen because he asks what's wrong.

"Yeah Pete, what's wrong?" Mikey asks giving me a glare as if he knows something. "Uh nothing, just a sudden chill" I lie. "Are you sure Pete?" Mikey asks coming towards me. Dammit, he knows when I'm lying. I feel sweat form on my forehead.

"You do know something!" Mikey exclaims. "No!" I say. "Yes! You do! You always get sweaty and don't make eye contact with the person when you lie. I know you Wentz" Mikey says.

"Fine" I say and breathe out. Mikey sits back down next to ray and has his attention to me. Everyone's attention is on me. "I'm not sure about right now, but Frank and Gerard might be fucking" I say.

"What the hell" Ray says in confusion. "They've fucked before, so I'm not surprised if they skipped school to suck each other off" I say. "Why didn't you tell us before?!" Mikey exclaims. "Frank didn't want me to tell anyone, but Mikey was scaring Me" I say.

"Frank has so much explaining to do" Mikey says.

*Frank's POV*
Gerard looks at my chest and gasps. "Frank! What the hell is this?" He looks at the bruises on my chest. "Frank! What the hell is this" he yells grabbing my arms and looking at the white wrap around my wrists. "I-I- don't- I can-explain" I stutter badly. He gets off me and I sit up.

"Take it off" he commands pointing at the white wrap. "What?! No!" I exclaim and reach for my shirt which is in his hands. "Frank! God damnit! Take it off" he says with a shaking voice. "Oh-okay" I sigh. I take off the tape holding it tight and I can feel tears forming in my eyes.

I unwrap my left arm and he gasps. I take off my other one and there's another gasp leaving Gerard's lips. There's still some blood coming from the cuts. "What the Fuck Frank!" He yells at me. "Gee, I'm- so- I don't know" I cry.

"What do you mean you don't know!" He yells again and his hair falls into his eyes. "Stop yelling at me" I say in between sobs. I reach out to him to move the hair from his eyes but he grabs my arm and looks at them. "Frank, why?" He asks more calmly and I can hear him cry.

"But Gerard, it's still me. I'm still Frank. I love you too" I say go to hug him but he pushes me back. "You can't love someone unless you love yourself too" he says. "When was This?" He asks pointing at my wrists.

"After our second class today" I say. "Why did you do this?" He asks. "Gerard- I don't want to" I say but he cuts me off again. "Answer my damn question! Why?" He yells. I can't tell him Bob was giving me a harsh time.

"My dad, was drunk" I lie to him. He slides a finger over the horizontal one and gets blood on his finger. "Frank, I- Don't- be- why" he cries more and throws my shirt at me. He gets up and walks out the door, slamming it behind him. "Gerard, where the hell are you going!" I yell as he gets in his car. "Fucking shit!" I hear him yell from his car and drive away fast.

"I fucked up" I say and sob to myself. "I'm such a fucking mess" I cry and go upstairs. I take out pieces of lined paper and make letters. To Pete. To Patrick. To mom. To dad. To Mikey.

To Gerard:
I'm really fucking sorry I screwed up. I'm fucking sorry I'm a screw up. Gerard, I'm so fucking sorry. I love you, and I always will. I know I haven't been here for long, but from the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew I would love you. And I do. From your beautiful eye, to your soft hands when they would touch me. I loved your soft lips. I loved when you would kiss me, with passion I never felt with anyone. Mainly because you were my first love, and only love. You know Gerard, I always thought of us being together, raising kids, growing old together. As creep as that sounds, it was cuter in my head. But I'm so sorry. It wasn't my dad who caused all those bruises, it was bob. He called me names and beat the shit out of me. I've got to go, but don't forget me. And comfort Mikey. Accept him and Ray. You can tell they are in love. Like I loved you.

I finish of Gerard letter which was the last. I try to wipe the tears that fell from my face off to the paper away, but it smudged the pen.

I'm so sorry :(

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