27. The End

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*Gerard's POV*

It's been weeks, almost a month since Frank killed himself. I miss him. I've been locked in my room, I haven't been to school and I've only been drinking. I drink until I pass out and Mikey tells me I have a problem. I've gone to Frank's grave everyday. If I'm not in my room, I'm at the cemetery. 

I can't handle being without him. Even though I've been with him for so little time, he was my everything. I head downstairs with a backpack I've packed a few items with. 

"Bye Mikey" I say as I pass by him in the living room. "Where you going?" He asks looking up at me from his comic book. "Out for a bit" I say. "Okay, see you later" He says. "Take care of mom" I say. He throws me a confused look. "I love you Mikes" I say with tears at the brim of my eyes. "You too Gee?" He asks in a questioning tone. I hop into my car and drive to the cemetery. 

On the car ride, tears spill from my face. I grab my backpack from the backseat and walk over to Frank's stone. "Hi Frank" I say and sit under the tree over his stone. "Everyday has been harder and harder. Mikey wants me to see somebody because he thinks I have a problem" I snort the last part. 

I reach into my bag and grab a notebook and pencil. I write a goodbye note to Mikey and Ray. Since they were the only ones who cared about me besides Frank. 

I take out the frame of the drawing I did of Frank and wrote on the note P.S: Bury me in all my favorite colors, my sisters and my brothers still. I will not kiss you, cause the hardest part of this is leaving you. Never let them take the light behind your eyes. Bury me with this drawing of Frank.

I cry some more and look around. The sun is out and bright. I take out the bottle of 'Fireball' tequila. I drink it all and grab the rope from my backpack. I tie it up on the tree above Frank and step on a stone there. "I love you Frank, we'll be together soon" I say and step off the stone. Everything goes black. 

Everything is white when I open my eyes. "Gerard?" I hear a whisper. I turn and see Frank. "Frank!" I exclaim and run to him. When I hug him, it feels so real. "What happened to me?" I ask and he cups my face. 

"Gerard, you fucking killed yourself. Why, you're so stupid" Frank responds with tears falling down his face. He kisses me and I kiss him back. It feels great to be with him again. "Frank, I just couldn't deal being without you" I cry and kiss him again. "I love you Gerard" He says and kisses me back and I kiss him back. 

"Where to next?" I ask and tangle our fingers together. "Either Heave or Hell" He says and we enter the door way to our 'future.'

I'm crying. This is the end. Thank you guys some much for reading my first story! Did you guys watch THE BLACK PARADE IS DEAD concert that MCR uploaded on YOUTUBE? I could't because I was in the car with my mom and sister and 5 minutes into the video I was crying. haha.

Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading and having patience while I was updating. WHO IS EXCITED FOR MANIA WHICH COMES OUT ON THE 19TH!!! AH. I'M SO EXCITED. this morning I was in the bathroom, and I was like, MANIA is almost out! ANd I screamed. Okay, that's enough.

Thanks again. I love you all! Take care! 

XoXo- Danielle

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