6. Beg for the rest of my life

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*Frank's POV*

Out lips touched and I swear, I died. His lips were a bit chapped, but soft. They moved in sync and his hand came up to cup my cheek. Gerard broke the kiss and looked into my eyes. "Have a good night Frank" Is all he says. I get out of the car, confused, is Gerard straight? Maybe he's bisexual, I don't know.

I walk up to the front door of my house and turn back to see Gerard eyeing me up and down. I feel chills go down my spine and go into the house. I go upstairs to my room, change, and remove my eyeliner. I get under my comforts and fall asleep. With the taste and feel of Gerard's lips on mine.

*Mikey's POV* (SURPRISE!)

Pete and Patrick leave the house and I'm alone for a few minutes. The door opens, with Gerard barging in. The smell of cigarettes hit me as Gerard walks by. "Where were you?" I ask as he shuts his bedroom door. I put my ear to the door and I hear his speakers blast music. he opens the door and says "Bob and Ray are going to be here in a bit, don't bother us." And with that, he shuts the door.

I hate his friend Bob, he's such an ass. As for Ray, he's not rude at all, I don't get why he's friends with Gerard and Bob. To be honest, Ray is a bit cute, oh who am I kidding? Ray is a hot mother-fucker. He is so nice. I remember that they're coming over, I sprint to my room and change into some comfortable clothes. I spray some cologne just in case, to make an impression on Ray hopefully. There are a couple of knocks on the door and I rush downstairs to answer it. It's bob. "Gerard is upstairs in his room" I say and shut the door behind him. He goes into Gerard's room and shuts the door behind him. I put my ear on the door to listen for a bit. "Ray will be here in a bit" I hear Bob say.

I go downstairs and make myself a coffee. I sit on the couch and watch 'Stranger Things.' After a while, the bell rings. I bring my mug with me and answer the door. It's Ray! "Hey" He says. "HI" I say and move aside for him to enter and I shut the door behind him. "Gerard is upstairs" I say and continue my show. Ray walks past me, but walks back into the living room. "Is that Stranger Things" he asks. "Yeah" I say sipping from my coffee. "That's my favorite show" He says. "Me too" I smile at Ray. "Can I stay and watch for a bit?" Hey asks. OH MY GOD! RAY WANTS TO WATCH STRANGER THINGS WITH ME! I'm freaking out! "Sure" I say, trying to act cool. "Awesome" He says and sits next to me. OUT OF ALL THE SPOTS IN THE ROOM, HE DECIDES TO SIT NEXT TO ME. "Want something to drink or something?" I ask and hit 'pause.' "What are drinking?" Ray asks. "Coffee" I respond. "I'll have some of that if it isn't such a bother" Ray smiles. "Sure" I say and walk to the kitchen, and make Ray some coffee. "Black coffee? Or with cream?" I ask ray from the kitchen. "Regular black please" he says as he appears in the kitchen. "Here you go" I say and hand him the cup. He takes a sip and says "this is good." And with that, we're back on the couch.

We watch about three episodes when we hear footsteps from the stairs. It's Gerard and Bob. "There you are Ray" Bob says "I was just leaving." And for sure they smell like weed and alcohol. "What time is it?" Ray asks me. "It's 11:25Pm" I respond. Gerard goes back upstairs and Bob leaves. Ray gets up and starts to walk out. "I'll accompany you to your car" I say and follow Ray outside. "I had fun Mikey" Ray says with a smile. "Me too" I say and cross my arms across my chest because it's a bit chilly out here. "Here" Ray says Handing me his sweater "I don't want you to be cold." "Thanks" I reply and put it on. It smells like him. Like vanilla and cinnamon. We stand there and stare at each other for a bit. Ray leans down a bit and kisses my cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow Way" he says and gets into his car, driving away.

Holy Crap, Ray Toro just kissed my cheek, and he gave me his sweater. "Ugh, im such a Teenage girl with a crush" I say to myself and walk inside. I turn off the television and head upstairs to brush my teeth. As I pass by Gerard's room, I notice that it's a bit open. Gerard never leaves his door open, even if it's just an inch open, or less. I look into his room and see him sitting at the edge of his bed, he's touching his lips? That's what it looks like he's doing, he's spacing out too. "Hey Gerard, you Okay?" I ask. "Yeah, in fine" he says and lays back, immediately falling asleep.

I walk to my room and get under my comforters. I sleep, with the scent of Ray taking me away.

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