22. Dicks are for my friends

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*Frank's POV*
*Warning to whom ever it triggered by self harm*
I hold onto my blade and flip an arm over. I trace my finger over my old, healing scars. I place the blade to my pale skin and cut.

1 cut. 2 cuts. 3 cuts and so on. Tears fall down my cheek, along with loud sobs coming from my mouth. I make a long horizontal cut from the inner side of my elbow, down to my wrist. Blood spurs out and I cut my things.

Red coming from the open wounds. I wash it off and cover my arms in wrap.

*end of trigger*

I put on a long sleeve shirt with some sweats and throw my dirty/ blood stained clothes into the washer. I go into my dads liquor cabinet and grab vodka. I go into the fridge and grab Red Bull. I mix the two liquids and bring it up to my room, along with the bottle.

I chug down the drink and look at the time. 12:53. The fifth lesson is just ending so it's almost lunch for those at school. I turn off my phone. Fuck it, I unscrew the cap and drown down the whole bottle. I finish the bottle, and everything goes black.

*Mikey's POV*
I walk up to the guys as for now it's lunch. "Have you guys seen Frank?" I ask. Pete and Patrick nod 'no.' "When did you last see him?" Patrick asks with concern in his voice.

"After second, he said he was going to go to the bathroom. But he never came" I say and sit across from them. "That's strange" Pete says. We talk and all I think about it, where the hell is Frank?

*Frank's POV* (again)
I wake up with a pounding headache and check the time. 2:35PM. The last class of the day is occurring at school. I look over and see an empty bottle of vodka. I go through my dads dressers in his room and grab a pack of cigarettes I find.

I light one up, put one behind my ear and put the pack in my back pocket along with the lighter. I start heading to my room when there's a knock on the door.

I go downstairs and open it without checking who it is. Gerard is standing there, leaning on the door way. I try to shut the door, but he puts his foot in the way.

"Where were you?" He asks and takes the cigarette from between my lips. "Home" I say. He enters and sits on the couch. "Why weren't you at school?" He asks and takes a drag from the cigarette.

I take the one from behind my ear and light it. "I left" I say and sit on the other side of the couch. "Can you leave? I can't deal with shit right now" I say. I don't want to see anybody right now.

"Frank, Frank baby" he says and scoots over to me. He wraps an arm around my shoulder. "Don't touch me" I hiss. "Oh, moody" he says. "Why aren't you at school?" I ask. "You weren't at art, so I wanted to see if you were here" he says.

"Want anything to drink?" I ask heading to the kitchen. Maybe his company won't be bad? "What you got?" He asks walking over to the fridge. He looks through. "You have beer, Pepsi, ham, more beer and frozen pizza" he says.

"Take a beer" I say and hand him one, grabbing one for myself too. "Thanks" he says taking the cap off. We sit at the island and drink.

"Miley's been asking about you" he says "he says you left after second." "Yeah?" I grump. "What crawled up your ass" he asks "your acting like my mom when she's on her fucking period."

"Nothing crawled up my ass Gerard" I yell and slam the bottle against the table. "Calm down Frank, okay?" He says and comes to place his hands on my shoulders.

"Don't touch me" I say and slap his hands off. "Jesus Frank, calm down, seriously. What are you so up tight about?" He asks and brings his hands back to my shoulders and begins to give me a massage.

I relax a bit more as Gerard massages my shoulders. "Just relax, okay?" He whispers into my ear. "Okay" I say in a low voice. He rubs my shoulders for a bit more and stops. "Why'd you stop?" I ask and turn. He kisses my neck and I tilt my head for him to access more.

I bring his face up to mine and kiss him deeply. I wrap my legs around his waist and he carries me to the couch. Gerard carefully lays me down on my back and hovers Me.

His kisses, which are full of lust can make me forget stuff. His lips are soft against mine.

I bite his bottom lip softly and he parts his lips. I slip my tongue into his mouth and moan. He slips a hand under my shirt and roams my chest. He touches a bruise and I flinch. He doesn't seem to notice and continues.

He tugs at the hem of my shirt signaling for me to take it off. I ignore it because If I do, he'll see my bruises and cuts. He tugs at it again and I ignore it. "Frank" he groans and lifts my shirt. I put my hands down so he won't take it off.

He breaks the kiss. "Frank, why won't you take your shirt off? I've already seen you, all of you" he asks looking into my eyes. He kisses me again forcefully again and tugs at it. "I better not" I say and look away from his eyes that once again pierce into mine.

"Come on" he says and tugs at it again. "No, Gerard" I say. "Frank" he groans "I need you." "G-Gerard" I stutter as he keeps pulling it up. "Frank. I-I love you" he says. That catches me off guard and my shirt comes off .


Is anyone else's Wattpad acting strange? Mine is, it tells me i published a chapter like 4 times and I had a draft which was deleted.

But hopefully You guys are enjoying the story. It's 3:18AM for me right now and I finished a movie called 'The Book of Love' and it made me cry so many times.

Okay, bye

Also, I love MSI (Mindless Self Indulgence) :)

Kissed All The Boys In Your City Lights (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now