20. With your feet in the air and your head on the ground

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*Not MCR related, but I freaked when Jenna posted this

*Frank's POV*
When I get home, I go upstairs and change my hoodie into a white T-shirt and throw in a jean jacket. I leave my converse and black jeans on. I apply some red eyeshadow and blend it around my eye, and aline my eyes with eyeliner. I grab some cologne and brush my teeth to get the smell of alcohol off.

I hear the shower from my dads room go on meaning he's showering. I head downstairs and turn on the television to watch The Walking Dead.

15 minutes later, the shower turns off and there's a knock on the door. I turn off the television and open it.

"Hi Frank" my mom greets me with a hug. "Hey mom" I say and hug back. "Where's your dad?" She asks as I let her in. "He's getting ready, do you want me to get him?" I ask. "Sure" she says.

I go upstairs and knock on the door. "Mom's here" I say. The door opens and there's dad with a cigarette in between his lips. "Alright" he says, and puts it out on an ashtray full of other cigarette butts.

We go downstairs and mom is by the door. "Good to see you Linda" my dad says. "Good to see you to Frank" mom says to dad.

"Should we get going? We don't want to miss our reservation" mom says. "Let's go" dad says and we get into the car. The car ride is silent and we arrive at an Italian restaurant 10 minutes later.

"Reservation for Linda Iero" mom says to the lady at the front desk. "Yes ma'am, you can follow me" he says and grabs 3 menus. We sit and he asks "Can I start you off with some drinks?" I order water, mom asks for tea, and dad asks for coke. "I'll bring the drinks in a bit. My name is Tyler and I'll be serving you today" he says and leaves.

We look at the menu and decide what to get. We get Ravioli, spaghetti and meat balls. I get vegetarian lasagna and a salad. "So, first things first" mom says and takes out an envelope with papers.

They discuss for a while as we wait for the food to come and we all sign a couple of stuff. The door comes as we're done talking about the whole separation.

We eat In silence and mom asks "So Frank, how do you like school?" "It's alright" I say. "Do you have friends?" She asks. "Yes mom" I say and eat some lasagna. "Do you have a girlfriend yet?" She asks, causing me to choke on the lasagna. I drink water to calm myself down. "No" I respond.

Do I tell her about Gerard? No I Shouldn't, i haven't come out to them yet. "Hmm, do you have a boyfriend?" She asks and dad stares at her. "Our son is no damn faggot Linda" he says. "Don't say that word in public" she hisses. "Faggot" he mumbles and drinks some coke.

"Jesus Frank" mom says to dad "I love our son very much, I'll still love him if he was asexual, straight, pansexual, gay, bisexual. Hell, even if he was lesbian." "Well Frank?" Dad asks and looks at me.

"How's the ravioli?" I ask trying to change the subject. "Stop trying to change the subject" he says. "Well, I guess since we're talking now" I mumble. Here it goes I say to myself. "Mom, dad, im gay" i say and look from mom to dad.

"Who's the boy?" Mom asks excited. "Damn it Frank. Jesus made a man's mouth to eat ass and eat pussy, not to suck dick" he says. "Frank!" Mom says to him. "Excuse me, I'm going to use the restroom" he says and leaves.

"He didn't take that well" I say. "It's okay Frank, deep down he loves you" mom says and hugs me "I'm glad you said something. Did you hear about that one guy who came out when he was 60?" She adds. I laugh. "Well, who's the boy?" She asks drinking from her tea.

"His names Gerard" I say. "Ah! My Frankie's got a boyfriend" mom exclaims a bit to loud making a few heads turn. "Mom, be more quiet" I chuckle. Is Gerard my boyfriend? We haven't really talked about that. "But, he hasn't asked me to be his boyfriend yet" I tell her with a bit of disappointment in my voice.

"What do you mean he hasn't asked you yet?" She asks raising an eyebrow. "Um" I say. "What do you boys do?" Mom asks. "Well" I begin and scratch the back of my neck.

"Frank Iero!" Mom exclaims an lightly slaps my shoulder. She laughs "kids grow fast. And I think you should talk to this Gerald boy about you two being official."

"His names Gerard" I correct her. Dad comes back and eats in silence. We finish up and pay. Once we get home dad says "thanks for the dinner Linda." "No problem Frank, and thanks for being cooperative" she says to him.

"I better get going" mom says. She gives me a hug and kisses my head "take care" she says. "You too" I say. I head upstairs and I hear her tell dad "take care of him. He's still your son. I'll pick him up next Saturday."

Apparently, I'm going to be living with dad and moms moving in with her boyfriend. Mom's gonna pick me up next week to visit her boyfriend so we can get to know each other. She wants us to get along.

I wash my face and get into my comforters. I drift off to sleep.

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