26. Because Everytime I Think I See Your Face, It Fades Away and Turns To Gray

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^as I was typing this. This song came up cause my music is on shuffle and I thought it would Tie up the chapter. It's from a Korean drama called 'Descendants of the Sun'

*Gerard's POV*
I arrive at the Cemetery and walk to Frank's stone with my dozen of black roses in hand and his envelope in my pocket. "Hey Frank" I say once I reach the stone.

"I got you these" I say with a weary voice and place them by the stone. "I painted them myself" I say and tears fall down my face. "It hurts so much with you gone and you've been gone for a while" I say and sit at his stone which lays under a tree. I cross my legs and continue talking.

"I haven't talked to anyone and I don't go to school. I don't eat and I stay in my room all day." I cry and reach into my pocket. "Everything hurts without you here, even though I hardly knew anything about you. But I know I love you" I continue.

"The ring I put on your finger was a promise ring. I was going to ask you to be my boyfriend. Frank, because I love you and I wanted to be with you forever." I cry and look up and see an older man with a little girl at another stone looking at me with a sad expression.

"Now look at what I've done. Your mom told me it wasn't my fault, but I feel like it is. I shouldn't have freaked out on you. I should have stayed with you. Frank, why didn't you accept when your mother wanted to take you to therapy? Why Frank" I say louder and cry more.

I take out the envelope from my pocket. "Your mom gave it to me earlier at your funeral. I didn't want to open it with out you, just us alone" I say and carefully tear it open.

I read aloud "To Gerard" I look at the paper, his neat handwriting. Dry droplets of water, which I'm guessing were tears. Tears fall from my own eyes.

I continue reading. "I'm really fucking sorry I screwed up. I'm fucking sorry I'm a screw up. Gerard, I'm so fucking sorry. I love you, and I always will." I wipe my face and feel a lump in my throat. "Frank, you didn't screw up. I did. And you weren't a screw up" I say. "I'm the one who fucked up everything."

I continue reading aloud. "I know I haven't been here for long, but from the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew I would love you. And I do." I wipe my face again with my sleeve.

"From your beautiful eyes, to your soft hands when they would touch me. I loved your soft lips. I loved when you would kiss me, with passion I never felt with anyone."

I touch my lips. "You weren't so bad yourself Iero" I whisper. "You were the most beautiful person I had laid my eyes on" I say and touch the stone with the other hand that wasn't holding the letter.

I put my attention back on the letter and continue reading aloud "Mainly because you were my first love, and only love. You know Gerard, I always thought of us being together, raising kids, growing old together. As creepy as that sounds, it was cuter in my head."

For once, I chuckle. "I thought of us growing old too. I wanted a life with you Frank" I say and wipe my eyes yet again.

"But I'm so sorry. It wasn't my dad who caused all those bruises, it was Bob. He called me names and beat the shit out of me" I feel my blood boiling. "Frank, why didn't you tell me this" I say to his stone. "I could have stopped him. I'm going to beat that fucker up" I say.

I go back to the letter "I've got to go, but don't forget me. And comfort Mikey, Accept him and Ray. You can tell they are in love. Like I loved you. XOXO Frank Iero" I finish reading it.

The last part of the letter is smudged and is dry as if it were wet. "Of course Frank, I can tell Mikey likes Frank. I can tell they're in love. I love you Frank, I'll be right back" I say angrily and stand up.

I power walk to my car and drive. I park outside his house and wipe my face from more tears falling from my face. I get out the car and head to his door and knock.

"Oh, hey Gerard" Bob says. "Come on-" he says but I cut him off with a punch square in the face. He stumbles back and grabs into his face. "What the fuck Gerard? What the hell was that for?" He asks. He removes his hand and there's blood trickling down his face.

"That's for Frank" I say and I'm on the verge of tears. He pounces onto me and I fall on the floor. He punches me in the face. "That bitch had it coming" he says.

"Fuck you! I hope you rot in hell" I yell and flip us over so I'm now on top and punching at him. We hear a car roll into the drive way and I stand up. I give bob a good kick in the stomach.

"For Frank" I say and run out the door. I run back to my house. "Hey Gerard, where'd you go?"Mikey asks as he's on the couch with Ray.

"I read Frank's letter" I say panting. "I give you and Ray my blessings. I trust you both, and I trust Ray" I say and look between them.

"R-Really Gerard?" Mikey asks and he grabs Ray's hand. "Yes" I say. "That's great Gerard. Thank you" Ray says with a smile and they both share a kiss.

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