7. No Matter How I Try To Hide

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*Frank's POV*
I awaken and do my normal morning stuff, it's Wednesday, so it's a short day for school. I go downstairs and grab a bowl and serve myself some Cheerios. I eat and see my mom slide in through the door.

"Oh , hi Frank" she says "I wasn't expecting you to be here." She sounds a bit nervous. "I'm getting ready for school" I respond to her with a mouthful of cereal. I swallow and ask "everything alright?" "Yes, everything's fine" she says. She's lying of course, when she lies, she doesn't make eye contact. "Where were you?" I ask hoping to crack her. "With a friend" she responds. "Sherry?" I ask "carol? Barbara? Veronica?" "Yes, i was with Veronica" she says and tries to run upstairs. I get in the way. "Mom, tell me the truth" I say and cross my arms in front of my chest.

"Fine" she says and sighs. "I was out, with a guy" she says. "What about dad?" I ask. "I want to talk to him about a divorce" she says. "A divorce?" I ask and she nods 'yes'. "How kind have you been seeing this guy?" I ask and raise an eye brow. "About two weeks" she says. "His name is Harry, you would like him" she says.

"We can talk later" I say and move out of the way. "Frank, please keep this between us for now" Mom says. "Alright" I answer. "Have a good day" she says and disappears. I place my bowl in the sink and begin to make my way to school. When I arrive, I don't see Pete, Mikey, or Patrick, so I start to head over to my first period. 

*Mikey's POV*

"Micheal!" I hear my mother barge through my bedroom door. "You're going to be late" She says and removes the blankets from my body. "So cold" I say and plant my face into my pillow. "Mikey! Get up, one more late note and you have detention, remember?" She says and grabs my ankles, she starts to pull me off the bed. "No" I whine and try to gab onto my blankets. It's no use, I plant on my floor. "Ugh" I say and stand up. "You're walking to school" my mom says and leaves my room. "Didn't you say you don't want me getting to school late?" I yell behind her. I hear the front door shut meaning she's gone to work. I look down and see the sweater I'm wearing. It's Ray's. I blush at the memory. 

"What was that all about?" Gerard asks patting down his bed head. "Nothing" I say. "Well, I'm going back to sleep" Gerard says. "You're going to be late to school, you better hurry" He adds and leaves. I throw on some grey skinny jeans and brush my hair. I brush my teeth and begin walking to school. I'll get something to eat later. 

I arrive and walk into the office. "Late again are we Mr. Way?" The lady at the front office says. "Over slept again?" She asks. "yes" i say. "Well, that's an hour detention after school today" She says and hands me the tardy slip. I walk out the office and walk to English. I walk in and everyone's head shot up. "Note?" Ms. Monroe asks. I hand it to her and walk over to my desk. Frank shoots me a confused look. I sit down and he asks "why were you late?" "I over slept" I say and place my backpack on the desk. "What are we doing?" I ask. "Study hall" He says. "Wake me up when the bell rings" I say and take a nap.

*Frank's POV*

The bell rings and it's time for math. "Mikey, the bell rang" I shake his shoulder to wake him up. "Hm, okay" he whispers and stands up. "You're really tired, aren't you?" I ask and we walk in the halls. "Yeah" He responds. "What were you doing? And at what time did you sleep?" I ask concerned. "I was watching Stranger Things and I fell asleep like at 12" He says. "Mikey!" I say and playfully push him and we just laugh. We pass by one of the boys who was with Gerard, the one who has the sick afro and he smiles at Mikey, he looks down and his smile grows bigger if it even can, and I see Mikey blush. 

"Who was that?" I ask once we take our seats in Math. "Who?" Mikey asks. "The boy, with the afro?" I ask and tug at his arm "tell me Mikey" I whine. "Okay" Mikey says and sits facing me. "His name is Ray, he's super sweet and nice. He came over to my place to hang out with my brother, but stayed with me downstairs and we watched Stranger Things with coffee. And as he was leaving, I went with him because I enjoy his company and I like him, and he gave me his sweater which I'm wearing now" Mikey talks fastly. "Mikey! you have a boyfriend" I say excitedly. "shut up" Mikey giggles and we talk like teenage girls gushing about boys. 

"Frank" Mr. Baker says and all the attention is on me. "Sit up here for today" He says and points at the desk next to his. "You can talk more in detention after school" He says and I see him write a detention slip. "Bye Mikey" I say with a pout and move up. I hate sitting in the front. The rest of the class is a blur and I have the urge to pee. Once I can't hold it in anymore I raise my hand "Teacher, can I use the restroom?" I ask. "I don't know Mr. Iero, can you?" he asks. "May I use the restroom?" I ask. I hate when teachers do that. "Go ahead" He says and dismisses me. As I pass by Mikey, I pat his head and make a 'Bop' sound. I giggle and leave the room. 

I enter the bathroom and It sounds quiet, no one might be here. Good. I do my business and wash my hands. As I'm about to leave, a hand pulls me back from the shoulder, and there I am face-to-face with Gerard. 

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