Chapter 6 I Hope They Don't Kill Me

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****I Hope They Don't Kill Me****

Bella's P.O.V

It can't be......

Right now, I'm standing in the middle of my neighbours front door, at the middle of the night, like a deer caught in front of the headlights; replaying the last few minutes in my head, over and over again. I still couldn't believe that out of all the people in the world, he had to be here. I had so many questions flooding my mind, wondering what the answers could be.

Why was he here?

Didn't he have somewhere else to be?

Was it him the whole time!?

'Oh no, I am so dead if it was him the whole time!' I thought.

But what about all the bad things he has done to you before, this can be like payback my conscience said.

'Hmm you have a point, but that doesn't mean I should get back at him, each time he does something bad'

I guess you right. It would probably take you forever to get back at him for everything bad he's done anyways. And whose got that kinda time.

'Wow, this is probably the first time you've admitted that I was right, and before you come up with a smart remark; which you always do, I'm going to end this conversation right now so......bye', I mentally replied.

Once I zoned back in, I saw him walking....well more like jogging...really fast to where I was. He crossed the road and he was walking closer...closer....and..

"Hey bro!, what's up?" I said, trying to sound as casual as I possibly could while placing my right hand on his shoulder.

"Don't bro me!, what the hell's wrong with you" he yelled, swatting my hand off of his shoulder.

"Is that a question or a statement? I mean there is a lot of things wro-"

"Why are you here in the middle of the night!?" he exasperated; throwing his arms in the air.

"Well you see I was tryi-"

"Whose house are you at?" he asked, pacing back and forth

"Oh, I'm at our ne-"

"Do you know how long I've been looking for you?"

"Well n-"

"I was so worried, you didn't think of, I don't know, leaving a note or telling me where you are?".

"I wasn't planning on eve-".

"You shouldn't even be out here Bella, it's way past and I mean way past your bed time. It's also dangerous to be out here in the middle of the night, who knows how many creepy old pervs roam around these areas at night. Do you know what would happen if you got kidnapped!?", his face turning red.

"That wouldn't hap-".

"Oh god, you know how terrible it would be, reading the news headlines saying 'A girl by the name of Bella, kidnapped by some old perv while staying outside in the middle of the night!'

"Okay, now your just exagerati-".

"And why are you even here? You got some serious explaining to do Bella" he huffed.

"Well I would if you would ju-"

"And who are those people behind you?" he asked, looking behind me.

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