Chapter 8 Lunch Time Fun

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****Lunch Time Fun****

Bella's P.O.V

We all stare at Mathew who is still on the ground clutching his butt for dear life. His mouth is slightly ajared and his eyes are wide open. Everyone in the room had their eyes trained on him, practically staring him down. No one made a single move and we all stood like statues, still recovering from the shock of everything going on.

Why he doesn't make an attempt to get up will forever be a mystery. He's like a deer caught in front of the head lights, or a boy caught taking a cookie from the cookie jar without permission.

He is definitely making this a lot more awkward then it already is and it's clear that he realizes this too.

Thankfully someone cleared their throat and everyone's attention averted to them instead. I noticed my brother visibly relax and even let out a barely audible sigh. He seems thankful he isn't in the spotlight anymore, I thought.

I turned my attention to the person who cleared their throat and noticed it was the lady that standing by the door. The exact same one that barged into the room during the middle of our so called 'art session'.

She was wearing an eggplant coloured blouse with a white blazer and a knee length pencil skirt. She looked very professional and classy. Probably coming from work or maybe just maybe a date, but that's not anything for me to worry about.

The only thing that's bothering me is that I feel like I've seen this lady before, but I just can't put my finger on it. Hm, I guess if she was someone important I would've remembered her, I thought.

I looked beside her and noticed that she wasn't alone, but was standing beside a man that looked around her age. He was also dressed professionally; wearing a black suite, tied with an eggplant coloured tie.

"What exactly is going on" the lady questioned, looking at all of us.

"What are you doing here!?" Aiden, Celeste, and Logan all said right at the same time Trent blurted "I'm becoming an artiste!".

Aiden elbowed him in the side; "shut up Trent" he hissed.

Trent gasped "brother, are you questioning my ability in becoming an artiste!" he said in mock hurt, holding a hand to his heart.

"Just look at my beautiful masterpiece" he added pulling me to his side and gesturing to the sharpie drawings on my face with his right hand.

"Your masterpiece?" Celeste intergected, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah" he answered looking at my face and back to Celeste's.

"I drew that, if anything that is my masterpiece" she said, pulling me away from Trent by my arm.

"Woah, hold up, take a step back, what class did you come from because girl you need to take back that sass" Trent remarked, snapping his fingers in front of Celeste's face and pulling me back to him.

"What the heck does that mean!?" Celeste exclaimed.

"Well my little sister, I believe what he is trying to say is that you should take a step back away from Bella because he claims her as his own and to calm down" Logan chimed in with a British accent while tapping Celeste's head like she was a little kid.

"Me calm down!" Celeste blurted right at the same time I said "claims as his own?". We both looked at each other, surprised by our outburst.

"I'm calm!".

"I'm not his".

Aiden crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. "Save your breath, it's not like anything you say will get through to Trent".

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