Chapter 13 I Promise, No, I Swear

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****Why'd You Leave?****

Bella's P.O.V

I watched Celeste as she frantically paced up and down the porch, raking her hands through her dark hair while she mumbled a bunch of obscurities under her breath. 

Now if you're wondering what happened to the calm and collected Celeste that had just told me the news about her brother running away, well lets just say when it comes to timing, I'm a little bit off. And by that I mean, I have no clue when to drop a bomb on someone that's already a ticking time bomb herself.

I had no clue Celeste would get into such a frenzy when I told her about my brother's "I'm going to Mexico for who know's how long, take care and don't do anything stupid" letter. I guess the letter was the 'cherry on top of the sundae' or in this situation the 'finger that ticked off the ticking time bomb known as Celeste'.

I sighed, and turned my attention over to Trent who was, oddly enough, poking a snail with a small twig. On any other occasion I would have told him to leave the poor snail alone, but I think Celeste, whom is gripping onto the porch railing like a pole dancer that's afraid someone else would steal her pole, comes first today. I took one last glance at the snail that was being poked and prodded by Trent's twig like a science experiment and walked over to Celeste in finality.

I placed my hand on Celeste's head, bent down onto my knees and looked at her pale, dreadful face. "Celeste what's wrong?" 

She looked at me and let out a nervous chuckle. "Wha-what do y-you mean? Can't a girl hug a pole without being accused of something. I mean look at pole dancers, they basically assault the poor poles and they don't get questioned" she rambled on.

I narrowed my eyes at her, not buying it for one second. I mean so what if pole dancers assault poles, those poles were made to be assaulted by pole dancers, but not my porch pole!

She huffed, her grip on the pole easing, as she slid down and sat on her bum. Acknowledging the fact that I won't buy any of her mumbo jumbo today. "This is just all too much" she blurted, letting her head fall downwards.

"What is?" I asked.

She ran her hand through her hair and looked up. "First my brother running away, and then yours just taking off-" she suddenly whipped her head in my direction and added, "-I mean I don't really care about the fact that your brother left-"

Neither do I, Celeste, neither do I. Good riddance, I thought.

"-but he really made the whole 'Aiden running away' thing sink into my head" she sighed and looked at me unsure, and I could tell she was hiding something; wondering whether or not to tell me and if I was someone she could trust with whatever secret she had.

I looked at her and gave her a soft smile, placing one hand on her lap. "If you don't want to say it then you don't have to, but just know that you can trust me" I told her. Trying to get some of the pressure weighing her down, off.

She sniffled and looked at me with glossy eyes. "Thank you Bella, and I do trust you" she said, grateful. I smiled at her words.

She took a deep breath and wiped her eyes, sniffling. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a tissue that I had and handed it to her. She took it without a second thought. "Thank you" she said, then blew her nose for 10 very long seconds. And yes, I did count.

She locked at me then back to her used tissue. "Um, do you want it back or.." she asked unsure. 

My mouth formed an 'O' and my eyes widened at her question. "No, no no no no. It's all yours. Please keep it-" I stood up abruptly. I coughed awkwardly and added "-I think you'll put it to better use then I will."

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