Chapter 10 The Three Stooges

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****The Three Stooges****

Bella's P.O.V

I was sleeping blissfully on my queen sized bed. My body encased inside my soft, purple bed sheets, leaving only my left foot sticking out from the bottom. I could feel the wind blowing from my fan, tickling the bottom of my foot, keeping it nice and cool. It also helped keep the rest of my body that was engulfed by my humongous bed sheets, cool as well.

My bed felt like a warm soft cloud that I could endlessly sleep on. I was completely exhausted from all that's been going on these past few days, starting from day one with the so called murderer in my house, then us thinking Adrea was in an accident. Not to mention the numerous events that happened in between those two. My eyelids felt as heavy as lead and the only way I'd be able to open them would be if someone physically pried them apart. Yep, that's how tired I was; I actually needed someone else to open my eyelids for me. All I wanted to do was continue laying in bed and let sleep takeover me for however long it wants.

Sadly, you can't get everything you want and I realized that the hard way.

I felt something heavy plop down onto my stomach, knocking the air right out of me. My eyes popped wide open as I wheezed for air. I could feel my heart pumping hard against my rip cage and my breathing becoming more rigid from the heavy weight placed on top of my stomach, making it very difficult to breath. I absentmindedly reached for the curtains beside me and yanked them open with one simple flick of the wrist. Instantaneously, my dark room filled with light and I turned to the side to see who the culprit was.

Before I was able to catch a glimpse of who was sitting on top of me, I felt another load of weight dropped across my chest and it was much heavier than the first one. I groaned in pain and gasped for air. Unfortunately, the heavy weight on my chest restricted me from breathing properly so I had to take quick short breaths. Making me strongly resemble a fish that's been taken out of water.

At this point I was probably, no, I was indefinitely turning purple from the lack of air I was getting.

And don't think that I didn't try to get whoever were on top of me, off of me, because I did. But, my arms just so happened to be pinned down to the bed by their bodies. After a few failed attempts, trust me, it's not that I'm weak or anything, but I've came to the conclusion that those arms are not getting loose or going anywhere anytime soon. I know what some of you are thinking and even what the little me up inside my head is thinking, "don't give up, use the force, literally", but I bet some of you have never been pinned down the way I have. Well let me just tell you, it is terrible, every little move you do can end up with a stabbing pain somewhere. I tried moving my leg, instead, I got a stabbing pain in my rib. I tried moving my head, instead, I felt an elbow jab my gut.

I huffed and decided to just stay still and not move a single muscle.

Whoever were on top of me, were way too heavy for me to push them off. And the fact that I already was as tired as can be didn't help at all.

Lazy, my conscience said, dragging the word.

It's early in the morning, what do you expect? Me bouncing off the walls like a crazy kid on a sugar high. Or, I don't know, maybe going out for a morning jog. Psh, not in this life, I thought.

That, I can agree with.

After what felt like hours, but in reality only mere minutes, I decided that I couldn't take this anymore. My rips were aching and they felt like they were going to cave inwards; the pain was excruciating. I closed my eyes, thinking up a plan to get these baby hippos off of me.

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