Chapter 15 - Almost kissed?

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*****Almost Kissed?*****

Bella's P.O.V

Once we took off--in search of Aiden--we had to make a little pit stop at a bush right near where Logan found the leather bracelet. Apparently Trent needed to have a 'potty break to release the fluid out of his bladder before it exploded.' 

We all sighed, but knew that there was no stopping Trent from watering the plant life around us with his "fluids," unless we wanted him to drench his pants with pee and leave--instead of a bread crumb trail from my house--a pee trail, to know how to get back home. 

Logan, Celeste, and I decided to sit on the lush grass--which I protested could be filled with god know what--but was forcibly pulled down onto the ground by Logan. We were each quiet, just staring at the sky which were filled with a few stars. It was almost too quiet, until Trent spoke up. "Um, I can't pee with you guys listening. So either talk or I'll sing the part in the USA."

None of us spoke.

"So I put my hands up!"

Still no one spoke.

"They're playing my song!"

Not a single sound except for the crickets that moaned out in the night.

"The butterflies fly away!"

"Nodding my head like yeah," I mumbled quietly.

Logans knee tapped mines, and he looked at me with a lopsided smile. "Moving my hips like yeah," he said, bumping hips with me afterwards.

He quirked an eyebrow up, which I took as a cue to join in and sing the rest of the song. I bumped my shoulder on his and looked up at him, putting my hands up to the dark sky. "So I put my hands up, they're playing my song," we all bellowed on the top of our lugs except for Celeste.

"Celeste we know you want to sing with us," I said, looking at her.

"No I don't," she mumbled back, unconvincingly. 

I smiled, knowing that her self control was breaking. "Come on, you know the next line."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do, this is your favourite song!" Trent shouted from behind a bush.

Logan and I looked at her, watching as her self-control crumbled right before us. "THE BUTTERFLIES FLY AWAY!!!"

"SHUT UP!! SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP SO THEY CAN WAKE UP FOR WORK TOMORROW!" a man from a house near us shouted, later threatening to call the police.

Celeste face--although it was very dark to tell--turned bright red. 

"ALSO, YOU CAN'T SING!" the man added unexpectedly, closing his windows shut. 

"WELL YOUR MOM CAN'T SING BUDDY. HOW DO YA FEEL ABOUT THAT HUH?" Celeste yelled, eyes bulging out with rage, fists clenched in tight balls.

Celeste bent down and made a grab for the huge rock lying right near her foot, but Logan lunged onto his chest, grabbing the rock before she had the chance. "Oof, I think I broke a rib."

"Good thinking. Who knows what crazy things whack job would've done with that rock," Trent snickered.

"Can it! I wasn't actually going to throw the rock. I may have been thinking it, but I wasn't going to actually do it" Celeste said in defense.

"Yeah right, you definitely would've broken his window down like you did with our old neighbours."

I felt a pair of cold, strong arms placed on top of my shoulders, their hands intertwining together. My eyes bulged open. "Ahhhhh!" I screamed, pushing--whoever was behind me--away, as well as kicking them square in the solar-plexus with my sidekick. I landed on top of the gravel on both my hands and knees, but quickly scrambled to my feet as a self defence precaution.

"What the heck! What was that for girlie?" the person I kicked groaned, while holding his hand to his chest.

I immediately recognized who it was when I heard that stupid nickname he always called me. "Aiden."

"Yes, Aiden. You know I was expecting a much more friendlier welcoming then a kick to my chest, which Really hurt by the way. I think I even broke a rib," he pouted.

 "Join the club" Logan said.

"Don't tell me she broke one of your ribs too?" Aiden asked in awe, Logan simply shook his head.

Aiden brushed off his black jeans and stood up, "you know maybe next time rather then kicking me in the  chest you could-" walking towards me, he then bent slightly down until we were face-to-face, merely inches away from each other "-maybe give a hug or-" he leaned closer to me, mischievousness lurking in his dark green eyes while it pierced right through my very soul "-a kiss" he whispered, closing his eyes then gently brushing his soft lips onto mines. 


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