Chapter 17 The Ice Cream Shop

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:) - not edited oopsie daisy

****The Ice Cream Shop****

Bella's P.O.V

"Oh my god, this is so good" I groaned.

"This is why you should trust me more often girlie" Aiden replied, smirking.

"We'll see about that," I mumbled, my mouth full of chocolate fudge ice cream.

He looked at me with bewilderment, my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. "What?" I asked.

"I am just amazed by your ladylike charm" he sarcastically said.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Your sarcasm is not appreciated Mister, and just because of what you said you are not getting a taste of my mega double dip fudge chocolate chip mountain sundae."

His hands immediately went towards his chest in mock hurt, "how will I ever manage to survive without that."

I rolled my eyes at his remark.

After agreeing to go with him to who knows where we walked forty-five minutes to this run down, but still running, ice cream parlour. He told me that it was only going to be a quick walk there, but of course that was far from the truth. After about fifteen minutes of walking, and my feet beginning to ache, I managed to bargain with Aiden to give me a piggy back ride here.

After fifteen minutes of carrying me, he whined saying that it was unfair and not very feministic that he had to carry me, but I didn't carry him. So I did the only thing that would make him shut up, I gave him a piggy back ride for about five minutes, which was my breaking point.

After turning red in the face from exhaustion, and telling him that I was on the brink of passing out, he quickly hopped off my back and swept me off my feet, carrying me bridal style. Saying that he, "needed to regain his masculinity."

Once we arrived at the shop I was a little skeptical. How could there be an ice cream parlour forty five minutes away from me that I did not know about, and how come this ice cream shop was open at 4 in the morning? Aiden just waved off the matter and said that he knew a friend who was the friend of the cousin of the owner who just recently opened this shop.

I rolled my eyes at his absurd story, but followed him inside the store nevertheless. The shop looked very new, besides the 1950's ice cream parlour look it had, it was a very cute store. The floors were black and white checkered, there were small red booths aligning the bright pink walls, and there were small red stools along the long table that stretched out at the front of the store where all the ice cream were held in.

I looked at Aiden in amusement, "this is quite a cute store."

"Had to find a place that matched you" he smirked.

My face burned bright red, I turned my attention over to the checkered tiles which I oddly found interesting at the moment. "Lets just get some ice cream" I mumbled.

He chuckled, messing my hair. "Okay, after you."

"I'm not paying by the way" I quickly remarked, before going up to the cashier.

"Fine" I heard him mumble, making me chuckle.

The boy who was running the cash register was actually a teenager about the same age as Aiden and I. He had curly brown hair, green coloured eyes, and was wearing a white paper hat that said "Harry's Ice Cream Galore." He was reading a book that I was very familiar with, 'The Scorch Trials.' It was a book I read not so long ago, and I had to admit, it was the best book out of the whole trilogy.

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