Chapter 17

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I don't feel pain. I don't feel upset. I don't feel broken. I feel nothing. It's a strange feeling. I just feel empty. Like half of me has been ripped away and left. I've been left. Now im nothing but an empty shell. I look round my room and just fixate my eyes to a wall. What if our lives were what we wanted? Perfect? What even is perfect? Its like society. Society gives out this idea. It reminds me of a pair of shoes. They either fit you or they don't. What's the point? What's the point of anything! We live in a world where all these high expectations stand and we just keep falling. They teach us how to dress. How we should look. How we should think. Why? I mean why do they even bother? Why do we even bother with trying to live up to thier impossible expectations. 

This is how my mind has been for days. I can't seem to think straight. My first thought is my last. I haven't thought about my own life yet. Just others. Sunlight is history I slammed my curtains shut and bashed the door. Now its just me in a room. Alone. I like being alone yet when I see others laughing together or a mother with a child I just feel lonely. But no one is ever lonely they have thier thoughts. Like me and my thoughts that are going mad. A soft tap echoes through the room and my eyes fixate on the door.

"Katniss" It can't be. No. Im hallucinating. "Katniss" It calls again. Why is she here? I slouch over to the door and open it wide enough to see her. As soon as I see her I finally get emotions back. My tears dive to my cheeks and jump to my top. SHe opens her arms and I go straight into them bawling my eyes out.

She sits me on the bed and takes a seat next to me. 

"Its okay" It's like she's talking to a baby "Its gonna be okay" I sniffle and start spilling words that don't even make sense but she seems to get it

"I'm sorry- I never- I- Please... dont leave" She just nods 

"I'm not going anywhere ever again" Her smile beams across her face and I stare at her jumper sleeve and it up until her elbow. No new cuts. My lips part slightly and I smile "Are you proud of me?" she asks also looking at her arm

"Very" I laugh then my face goes dead straight again and i make contact with her eyes "What made you come back?"

"You" She takes a deep breath "It wasn't until I was actually alone that I realised its you, you that is my key to happiness. Then I got a text from Peeta" I look up hopefully "He told me what happened and how you need me, and I need you too"

"Show me the text" I say sternly and she picks her phone out of her pocket and hands it to me. Finding the message is like finding a lost puppy. MY eyes travel along the letters and I read what he said

Annie. You need to come back please! Katniss found out we were texting eachother and locked herself in her room. She won't go to lessons. I doubt she is eating. Please do it for your best friend who has always been there for you. But don't worry about me. Just her. She is everything to me and I hope you tell her that I am sorry. I am sorry for not being good enough for her and she is so beautiful in and out i hope she finds someone who deserves her but also tell her that she will always be in my heart and I will always love her. No matter what.

My heart is thumping

"Annie" My confused and panicked feeling must show because she looks at me with wide eyes "You don't think he is gonna..." I trail off because I can't say it

"I don't know I wondered but brushed it off" 

"When was the last time he posted online?" She grabs her phone back and shows me his last status

Somethings are just not meant to be. Everything ends at one point. She is my life and maybe this is time I let it all end. Everything

"Annie" I cry and she reads it over my shoulder "No no no no! Please no! IM STUPID IM AN IDIOT! THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!" I kick everything I can and throw the journal across the room. I smash lamps and go crazy. My fault. My fault. "AAAARRRRHHHHHH!" I scream as I run around and rip the place apart. My sobs are like errupting volcanos. I am brought back to my senses when my phone rings. Unknown number. I pick it up and a very calm man answers.

"Katniss Everdeen"

"That is me" I sob

"Get to the hospital immediatly"


What happened to Peeta?

What was he trying to end?

Why does Katniss need to go to the hospital?


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