Chapter 19

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Katniss POV:

I sit in the waiting room. Thinking of what happened earlier as it echo's round my head. What did he do to himself? why? It keeps reliving itself in my head


I see something I never wanted to see. There he is, the only one I will ever love, held by a tree. I run up and undo the rope whilst he falls to the ground beside me. The sobs escape my mouth and my whole body trembles. I don't know if anything could ever feel this painful. Its like pain has wrapped me in its embrace so hard I might break. I fall to to ground beside his lifeless body, grabbing his head gently placing it on my lap. I feel for a pulse and I feel a very faint one that won't last long.
"Peeta" I cry out hoping he can hear me. No reply. I didn't expect one either. I grab my phone out my pocket and with my trembling fingers dial 999. I demand the ambulance and police explaining how I found him but when they ask me where I am I don't know what to say. Where am I? How did I even get here? They say its fine and explain they can just track me from my phone. Tears jump from my eyes and land on his ghostly face. I can't calm myself down. But I do try as a song my dad taught me when I was younger, sails out of my mouth.

'Are you, are you?
coming to the tree
where they strung up a man
they say murdered three
strange things did happen here
no stranger they would be
if we met up at midnight
in the hanging tree'

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