7. Ash's POV

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  As we walk to the cleaning closet, me and the new guy, Peterson, talk.
   "So, we are cleaning windows?" He ask.
    "Yeah. It's Wei-" I cut off as I hear screaming.
   We all run to the sound as we see Nora being kicked.
    "Stop it!" I cry out. The man stops and looks at me.
   "Is this who you love more than me?" He ask Nora.
    "Sometimes things aren't meant to last! You said it yourself! Let me go! I wanna be home!" Nora cries out, her poor and sweet voice pains me. It sounds so hurt.
    "Home? Home is with me! You wanted to runaway! But you were too blind!" He yells at her. He then picks her up and throws her.
    I run towards her.
"Stop!" I scream.
   The man points the gun at Nora.
    "Don't go near her!" The man yells at me.
    "I'll shoot her."
Triston comes up beside me.
  "Look, this isn't how you treat a lady. Exapecially our little lady" Triston says.
   "She's mine!" He yells.
Nora looks into my eyes.
   The guy shoots.
"Noooo!" I scream. But, the pain isn't my heart, it's my leg. I stumble to the ground as I hear Nora screaming. Then, another shot and the pain is in my side. All my hearing slowly fades. I never loose eye contact with Nora, I watch as the man slings her outside as she screams.

    Nora's POV
I watch as I see Ash trying to stop David. We lock eyes and as  David shoots him, I watch his body slam to the ground. As if everything's in slow motion. I even see his small tears slowly hit the ground.
    I watch as trickles of blood slowly hot he ground, then blood puddling on the ground.
    David slings me out.
I just set in the car with tears in my eyes as I see in the glass window, everyone trying to help Ash.
    I never even asked what Ash was short for. I liked Ash.
  David ties my hands up and to the car door.
   "Look, I want you to myself. I'm sorry I shot your so called lover" David says.
   "You dick head!" I scream.
"I hate you! I hate you!"
   "Shut up" he hisses.
"Remember, he stays away or he is dead"
  I nod.

We set in the car forever. I think of all the fun we had.
   "I wanna go back" I say.
"Nah." David says. By now he had already untied me.
  I unbuckle.
"Take me back!" I yell.
"I warned you!" I say as I count from 5 down in my head.
   I set my hand on the handle and pull it. I sling my body out of the car, mustang.
   He is still going around 70 miles per hour as the door is wide open. My body just rolls and rolls and rolls, really fast.
    I finally stop and throw up. He's gonna turn around and come after me.
   I get up and see blood all down my stomach, I had a stick in my side. I mutter a few swears as I try to run.
    I feel the blood go down my leg and the dried blood on my mouth.
     "Help!!!" I scream.
I'm almost at the building.
   "Help!" I see it, I'm almost there.
    I see someone in the window.
I trip and fall, rolling. I see a bloody trail from where I was rolling.
    "Fuckkkkkk!!!!!" I scream in a groan.
   It echoes. I see the door open to the building. I'm only a few yards away. I crawl, but I hear David's car behind me and the door open and close.
    I screech. "Help!"
David hand my legs and pulls me. I dig my hands in the ground, trying to stay away from him.
   I get away and get up, running to the building.
I walk in. No one is here.
I see a puddle of blood from where Ash's body was.
I see a tiny puddle of blood from where my face was.
It's too quiet.
I hear the door open and turn to see David.
I run to the elevator and press a random button.
The doors won't close.
I run out and up a flight of stairs.
David tackles me down the stairs.
I scream. But..... Then I see red and blue lights.
"Freeze! Hands behind your head! Drop the weapon! Get away from the girl!" The cops yell different orders.
David is dropped down as many SWAT and cops move in.
"Are you ok?" An officer ask.
I point to my side.
"Come. We'll get you to an ambulance." He leads me to an ambulance as others go and look around.
I start loosing my adrenaline. This causes me to really feel the pain. It hurts.
   As I'm carried into the ambulance, I see the others. Ash is being carried and I see a man in handcuffs.
  The door shuts. Then, we are off.

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