28. Part 2- FAIR

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The guy keeps starring at us. Finally a man decides to walk towards us as does some of the people.we all have ignored them by now and went back to doing what we were doing before.
  I hear people walking over and we all see one guy tap Triston on the shoulder.

"Hey, I know you." The man I think is Trey says. Yep I remember him from a deal Mr.Landerson was trying to make. Let's just say.... They scare the SHIT out of me.
"Yes? No? Hello?"
"Your Tristy? Triston. From Mr.Landerson's tower."
"And I know you how?" My eyes widen.
   "You shot me and you don't remember?!?!" Another guy that i think is Jong. Josh. Yep... It's definitely Jong, says. Some girl comes over and looks at Ash.
  She likes him. I just have a feeling. But I like him more. Who said that? Not me.
We keep talking about random shit.
"Yep." I just nod and the girl comes up and says....."Trey, what's going on?"
"Callie, meet Triston.Triston meet Callie."
I look Callie up and down. I give her creepy face that goes more like.....

 I give her creepy face that goes more like

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JK. I kid. I kid.

  I look around to see some guy flirting with I think Nora.... then West pushes her out of the way. That jealous ass. I wanted to see... Oh, that guy be scowling.
I look more to find everyone talking to random peeps.
  Allie and Brooke hug some guy that they must know. Trey walks over to Ash as him and Callie start talking.


I go and set next to the adorable girl. She's all alone.
I smile at her and set down.

"Hello." She says softly.

I look down and smile. "Hi."

"Why are you setting here all alone?" I ask. I want to check her out but my heart will feel guilty. I love Nora too much and I will do anything to get her back.

"Everyone else is talking to people I never met before, Heck, I don't even know your name!" She says.

"I'm Ashton but everyone calls me Ash."

"Well Ash, I'm Callie." She shakes my hand ass some guy stares and walks over here. He puts an arm around Callie and it gets awkward.
I twiddle my thumbs as they have some conversation.
"Soooo, who is this?" The guy ask.
The two talk again and he then says...."nice to meet you again."

"Again." I'm befuddled

"I saw you and some other guy in the hallway, I believe it was Mr.Landerson's building."
I look down, the memories coming back as they make me wanna puke.

"Oh yeah." I get up and walk away. I never take an eye off Callie, she lays on the bench and shivers. I wait for the man to walk away.
  I run back and place my jacket on her as she falls asleep, I think about carrying to one of the cars where it's soft and warmer.

I sit with Callie as the guy talks with Triston. I can't hear what they be saying. I watch and keep Callie's features in my memory. She is a work of art.
The guy looks over at us and all I hear is a low growl.
Oh shizzzz! He's in some kind of Wolf craft shit!!!

We stare in each other's eyes, neither backing down.
I'm scared.

Heyyy! Hope you enjoyed! To fill you in.... Callie's friends are like really bad gang people and know Triston from him being with Mr.Landerson.
It's kinda funny how they were kidnapped by criminals but they enjoying life with criminals who knew their criminals.
I'm weird.
Love y'all.
Thanks for reading



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