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Nicki POV
I had just woke up and Sherika was gone i checked my phone and she said was she went to Omelly dorm . I got up put on some black leggings and sports bra brushed my teeth washed my face then i just got on my phone. There was a knock on the door i got up and opened it it was Meek.  " Can i come in i wanna talk he asked , i stood aside and let him in.  He walked and sat on my bed and i walked and sat next to him.  " Talk i said.  " Well i just wanna say im sorry about everything he said . Okay i said.  And if i have to do anything for you to except my apology i will do it he said.  i shighed and just thought . Why not just give us another chance , was there something holding me back , i thought ? Okay , you have to break up with Fah i said.  " I was planning on doing that anyways.  I shook my head " But if you want us to try again then its going to take time i said . Okay he said.  So i do except you apology , and yes we can try to give us another chance but if anything happen its over i said.  Okay i said . " I feel like you arent talking me serious right now i said getting annoyed." No i swear i am he said , i mean like what else is there for we to say other than okay he asked . "Youre right maybe im just doing to much i said . Yea you are he said . I looked at him and laughed and pushed him.  " What im just telling you the truth he laughed.  " Can i get a hug he asked . No you can get shit from me until you and Fah is over , no hugging , no rihmeek , no nothing until you break up with her . I looked at me , aight Nicki he said.  " Im hungry wanna go get breakfast i asked . " Nah cause when we come back and get dont eating imma wanna cuddle with you so no he said .  I laughed and got off the bed pulling him off the bed until we stood face to face " Come on i said . I went to my closet grabbed a shirt and put on my Nike slides grabbed my purse and we left .

We were pulling up to IHop and we had just got out the car the waiter sat us to our table and we waited for our drinks to come . " So how did you and Fah meet ? I asked Meek . " Well after graduating me and the boys used to always go to rhe court to play basketball where the girls use to always be watching us play . She came up to me and i didnt even know what i was thinking Omelly and them us to tease me about how ugly she was i just never really realized it he said laughing and i laughed . " So when did you realize how ugly she was i asked ? " A week before we came here and then the feelings grew more when i seen you and i knew i could be with her he said . I blushed . " I wish i could hug you right now i said . " You can yo ass just being petty he said and i laughed . The waiter brought us our food and we ate and lefted.

We were just walking back in campus we went to Meek dorm room to see what Sherika and Omelly was doing they were sleep cuddling each other so we just lefted them alone and went back to me and Rika dorm. " My mom and Na cant stop talking about you Meek said.  I laughed while we both sat on my bed.  " They love me i said . " I hope you didnt just think its was a good thing to just bring Fah around and you think they go get over me i said laughing . " Everybody loves me ", i said flipping my hair . " They cant stop talking about you alll they say is " What happen to Nicki? "Where Nicki they irritating he said . Omelly and Sherika walked in , " Hey yall i said. They said Hi back and the boys were about to leave . " Im about to do it Meek said . " Do what i asked . Break up with Fah he said . " Meek you know if you really dont want to do this you dont have to i said . " No i want to he said " ill talk to you later he said i closed the door and let Sherika flat iron my hair and after just laid in bed watching movies.

Meek POV
We had just left from Nickis and Rika dorm room . I texted Fah and told her to meet me in the entrance room so i could talk to her. I walked in and she was siting there . " Wssp i said .

" Heyy Meek look im sorry about everything i just love you so much she said . I just looked at her crazy.  " Did you just say you love me i said . " Yes Meek i love you she said.  I sighed.  I didnt real want to leave Fah , she just said she loved me no girl have never told me that ,i know for the last couple of days we been at college its been a lil Rocky but i wanna see if me and Fah can try this again.  " I dont love you yet Fah i said . But i do except yo apology i said looking at her.  You just gotta chill sometimes . " Okay Meek i will i promise she said she got up and we hugged.  We pulled apart and i just realized what i really came to speak to Fah for , damn .

Me and Fah had a talk and i decided to give us another chance weve only been together for a month . I was laying in my bed watching the game and i thought since i didnt break up with Fah were would this lead me and Nicki too . I mean i want us to work out but she just told me she loved me and i decided to give us another chance . Besides Nicki said if i didnt really want to break up with her i could of stayed she probably doesn't care .........

OOOH😮 What do you think Nickis reaction going to be when she finds put Meek didnt break up with Fah ? STAY TUNED.


P.S - I am going to try and upload everyday , thanks for the 500 views 😘 ( Done forget to vote )

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