Chapter 7- Like A Blind Man

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~Louis's POV~

It had been 1 hour of sitting waiting for her and I decided to just leave. I pulled my car out of the parking lot of El's flat. About 2 minutes later I got a phone call. I picked the phone up and hoping it was El but instead Harry, so I answered it,

"Hey-" I said then being cut off

"Get your ass to the hospital now!" Harry yelled

"What why?" I said scared and confused

"El got into a car crash and it's bad." Harry said quickly but at the same time slowly

I didn't even ask why I should go I just said,"I'm on my way." and then I hung up.

I got to the hospital exactly under 10 minutes and almost got pulled over twice for speeding but luckily didn't. I ran to the desk and asked for Eleanor Calder, but they told me I could wait in the waiting room because she wasn't aloud visitors yet.

I walked to the waiting room and saw the guys and Danielle. "Hey, what happened?" I said with tears in my eyes thinking about earlier with El. "She got into a crash." Niall told me. "I know that but is she alright?" I said with a pained look on my face. "They won't tell us anything." Zayn told me. I sat down and for the first time in a long time I prayed. I prayed for El to be okay, I prayed for strength for me, and everything us.

"Eleanor Calder." A nurse said waking me up with her voice. All 6 of us stood up. She's not awake but can have visitors. The nurse led us to her room and Harry, Zayn, Niall, and Liam walked in. Danielle started walking but stopped when she saw I stopped. "Louis, are you coming in?" she asked me. I nodded and walked in with her. When we walked in all I could focus on was El's beautiful face and body covered with bruises and bandages. I then lost it. They all looked at me but turned away and faced the door when a doctor walked in. "Hello, which one of you is Louis?" the doctor asked us. I stepped forward and spoke, "I'm Louis. Why?" The doctor then said," Before Miss Calder passed out she said she wanted to speak to Louis." I looked surprised I guess. 

Sitting there was hard. I wanted to run over there and shake her until she woke up but I knew that it wouldn't help. I couldn't cry or talk. I was dead silent and if a blind person were in there they wouldn't know I was there. They all looked tired so I said,"You can leave and I'll call when she wakes up." They all took my offer and left. 

~Eleanor's POV~

All that was rushing through my head was Louis. His face, lips, and everything else. I couldn't focus on the road. Then suddenly everything was blurry and spinning. I grabbed my phone but was to weak to call anyone. After what almost felt like 10 hours I heard sirens and people yelling. I blacked out. Next thing I know I'm lying in the ambulance. I should be thinking about what happened and if I was okay but Louis couldn't get out of my head. 

After 10 minutes of keeping my eyes closed I figured out where I was. A hospital bed. I was awake but my body didn't want me to. I couldn't move or open my eyes. The only sense my body let me use was my ears. I heard Danielle crying and Liam telling her it was going to be okay, which is weird cause they haven't talked in a long time, I heard Niall's feet tapping the floor and then Zayn and Harry telling him to stop. But I didn't hear the one person who I wanted, needed. Louis obviously didn't come to me and didn't care if I died. I felt my body take away my ability to hear and I was passed out again.

~Louis's POV~

There I was in my tuxedo standing in a church, in the front of the church. I was asked to give a speech, I looked at everyone and then started, " I loved her and even after all thee years I still do. What I miss most about her is her voice. The way she would laugh when I tickled her, the way she would cry, and I will never forget her voice. I feel like I can hear her saying "Louis". I loved her." I finished. I sat down next to Liam and Harry.

Then I really did feel like I could hear her. I could hear her screaming my name, "Louis!, Louis!" Eleanor said. "Louis wake up!" 

And so I did.

~Eleanor's POV~

There he was, sitting on a chair next to my bed with his head rested on the bed. He was snoring and sometimes jumped like he was having a nightmare or dream. I had been watching him for 5 minutes and finally started saying his name and telling him to wake up. 

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