Chapter 3

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A photo of Riley above ^


                                                                          Riley p.o.v

I glanced at my timetable and saw that I had Business Studies first. I was only 17! I didn't want to learn about stupid Business Studies at 17! What a waste of time. As soon as I had set one foot in the classroom I knew I had been right. There, in all her pathetic glory was dear old Cherry. My first ever friend here at Westlake High. She looked my way as if she could sense that I was in the room immediately and gave me a disgusted sneer. I rolled my eyes and walked to the back of the class, slumping into the furthest chair in the corner.

It had only been three minutes deep into the lesson when Cherry's perfectly manicured hand shot up into the air.

Ah! So she was one of those. I had seen way too many High School movie stuck-up's that Cherry was the epitome of.

"Yes, Ms. Winston?" The teacher asked with a tired expression.

"Sorry, Mr Greggon but I didn't know if you noticed but we have a new student." She said in an obnoxiously shrilling voice.

If only looks could kill...

"Ah Miss...." He trailed off trying to figure out what my name was.

"Stone." I replied with a deadpan expression.

"Sorry?" He asked tilting his eyeglasses down further his crooked nose.

"Stone." I said louder.

"Right Miss Stone, would care to introduce yourself to the rest of the class?" He asked I had a feeling I didn't really have a choice even though it was posed as a question.

I stood up reluctantly and made my way to the front of the class, ignoring the snickering behind me.

"I'm Riley Stone, and I'm new here and I uh- like to ride motorcycles?" I finished looking at the teacher expectantly.

"Miss is that it? Perhaps your likes and dislikes?" Mr Greggon asked.

I gave him an expressionless expression. I'm already forced to attend school, do not force me to participate.

"No," I said simply and stared back at him.

No way were these people going to get to know me. I had no interest in knowing them at all.

He nodded with a reluctant gesture for me to go take a seat. Probably too tired to start an argument with a new "troubled" student. This must be the normal routine- he didn't seem to care too much. I eyed Cherry as I walked past her mouthing a "Screw you" as I went. She just smirked as if she had just pulled the cruelest prank of all time. Wow, I must admit, she had nothing on "Mean Girls". It was kind of disappointing to be truthful.

"Right class, today we will be working on a practice debate to see how much we know and how much we don't in terms of researching techniques and ability to argue your points effectively. I am going to pair you up and you may start preparing. You have twenty minutes to prepare before we start the mock debate. Good Luck." He finally finished explaining the task.

I groaned, what was I even supposed to do in a debate? I don't even know what they are? I hate this class already.

"The topic is "Should children living in unstable home's be given free education?"


He had gone through what had to be about twenty names before Mr Greggon finally mentioned mine.

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