Chapter 8

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My sister complained all morning today. "Her hair was a mess", "Her thighs were too big", "She had eaten  too much yesterday she was practically fat."

I couldn't bear to listen to her shrilling, high-pitched voice all morning so plugged in my earphones and went back to reading the American Handgunner.

 It was really quite fascinating and I couldn't shake the sick, I admit, feeling of pleasure as I educated myself with facts and knowledge that presented itself through this magazine. 

I got away with only a few punches today. I endured a couple hits to the head which gave me a killer headache. The pain wasn't as bad as last week's bash to the head with a baseball bat. That was unfortunate on my part. The whole football team laughed in my 

My teachers said that I should talk to a guidance counselor and they set up meetings with my parents. It was quite pointless however considering that my parents hadn't even been in the country when the school had called about my "situation" at school. 

I don't care though. I don't let it get to me, they'll soon all pay for the pain they caused me. It's only a matter of time when my stupid sister will have a lot more to worry about than a couple of misplaced hairs on her oblivious little head. 

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