Chapter 12

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Listen to the track above, it's what I listened to whilst writing this!

Enjoy :) Or not... this chapter is a little violent.... WARNING!



Alex p.o.v

I watched as Riley walked down the footpath, her hair glistening underneath the sun rays. She made me laugh with her snide comments and I had a good time whenever I was around her. When I had told her my biggest secret, me being a virgin and all, she laughed in my face! 

I was shocked but found it oddly comforting that she wasn't disgusted or completely shocked. She was odd. But I liked it. I liked it a lot. 

Her mere presence made me nervous and I couldn't get her smile out of my mind as I drove off. 

That's when my phone rang. I pulled up to the curb and swiped the screen answering the call. 

"Yes, Lei? What do you want?" I asked impatiently. 

'Well, well feisty today are we?" My sister replied snorting through the phone. 

I rolled my eyes. 

"Is there a reason why you called or are you just trying to ruin my good mood."

"Why are you in a good mood?" Lei asked 

"Why is it any of your business?" I retorted. 

"Damn, calm down. Wait!-" She laughed "-has a certain red-head got anything to do with it?" She asked I could practically see her wide smirk through the phone. 

"Lei! If you are just wasting my time, I will hang up on you!" I threatened my finger hovering over the end call button. At that moment I caught sight of a familiar leather jacket scrunched up on the floor beneath the passenger seat Riley had been sitting in. I frowned. She forgot her jacket!

"Okay, okay listen I need you to come pick me up from my exa-" 

"Get mum to do it, I need to do something," I said quickly ending the call immediately. 

I took a sharp U-turn and drove right down Riley's street. I couldn't help but notice a few dodgy looking men in white tank tops, sitting on their doorsteps smoking with beer bottles decorating their lawns. Is this what Riley was around all the time? 

I had to admit it was kind of cool when I saw a group of guys in leather jackets drive in a large group, each with motorbikes, similar to Riley's. 

They all parked outside of a broken down house and they let out rowdy cheers as they greeted the group of men I had been eyeing before. 

How did Riley feel safe around these people? They looked like they had come out of the serious "Sons Of Anarchy". 

When I had reached her small house I got out of the truck and walked around, picking out the jacket from the passenger side. 

That's when I heard a loud bloodcurdling scream. I jumped and looked around frantically. Where had it come from? I looked over at the group of men, they looked over at me a look of...sympathy? Why weren't they standing up looking for the screamer? It sounded like a girl. like she was in a lot of pain. I was about to yell at them, to ask what was going on when I heard it again. 

The same shrilling scream. I made eye contact with one of the bikers and he looked at me, his gaze hard and cold. An emotion flickered through, I couldn't make out what it was. What was wrong with these people? 

He jutted his head at me slightly. I was confused, I frowned. 

He pointed at me, and that's when I realised he was pointing behind me. I turned around, it was Riley's house. I heard a loud shout, a deep voice yelling. A whimper came from inside her house and my blood ran cold. I dropped the leather jacket on the floor and sprinted inside not caring about what might be waiting on the other side. 

I gasped at the sight in front of me. Riley was being held back by her hair, she was crying, her face bleeding. A tall burly man stood behind her holding her hair in his tight fist. He was bashing her head into the coffee table in front of them. 

"What did I tell you about following rules Riles!" He yelled throwing her onto the floor, she cried out in pain. The man had his back to me but Riley somehow sensing there was someone else in the room made eye contact. Her eyes widened and she shook her head fast. 

I didn't pay attention, my blood boiled as I watched this man hurt Riley. No one hurts my Riley. No one. 

I walked up behind him slowly, putting a finger to my lips to tell her to give me away. The man sneered, "Got nothing to say, girl! No apology you selfish brat!" He spat he held his hand back about to strike when I threw myself at him. 

"Get. Your. Hands. Off. Her!" I shouted through punches. I punched him square in the jaw sending him sprawling across the floor, he gasped in shock and stumbled around trying to get back up. I grabbed a stray bottle trying to ignore the specks of blood that were on it. I couldn't bear to think that it was Riley's blood that was on this bottle. 

The man stood up slowly, hi ragged breath becoming uneven. He pointed at me angrily. 

"How dare you! How d-" I bashed him around the side of the head hard before he had a chance to finish his sentence. He fell back onto the floor and lay motionless. I breathed heavily, my hands still shaking. I looked around frantically and saw that Riley lay on the floor, her eyes closed. 

I ran to her dropping on all fours checking for a pulse. I cried out in relief when I felt it beating through her neck. 

"Thank God," I whispered, I picked up her frail body and walked through the house out the front door, cradling her close to my body. 

I saw the group of bikers watching me, shock clearly written over their faces. 

"Gentlemen" I greeted tipping my head towards them. I lay Riley in the truck and fastened a seatbelt around her. 

I held one hand against her hand, caressing her skin. I kept my eyes on the road, my grip tightening on the wheel. How long was she living with this monster? How had she not told anyone? Who was this rotten bastard? Thoughts ran through my head. I had no idea what her life was like. It was at that moment that I realised I knew nothing about her. Her family. How she lived. It terrified me to think that someone so innocent and beautiful as Riley had been experiencing something so tainted and horrific as this. 

My grip on her hand tightened as I thought these things. 

How long had she been suffering? 

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