Chapter 13

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My head was throbbing like crazy. My legs and arms felt like jelly. My ribs were on fire. And I'm pretty sure the white light that was currently penetrating through my eyelids was not heaven. 

I opened my eyes, trying to move my head around so I could make out where I was. 

I let out a soft whimper as I felt a sharp pain run up my spine. I winced and laid back down in defeat. 

"Riley?" A soft voice whispered, laced with worry. I looked up and saw that it was Alex. Alex stupid heavenly face was inches away from mine. His hand was laced with mine and he was breathing heavily. 

"Yeah?" I croaked, my throat dry. 

He instantly stood up and brought back a glass of water. He gave it to me, "Drink" he said. 

I took it giving him a small smile of thanks and drunk the cool water quickly. I found myself downing the whole glass within seconds and looked at him sheepishly. He chuckled and refilled my cup, handing it back to me. 

"Thanks" I mumbled drinking the whole thing. I sighed sitting the cup down with satisfaction. 

I now had a chance to look around. The room was white, everything a blinding white. I was covered in tubes and long wires sticking in and out of me, weaving through the bed sheets I was currently enveloped in. 

I looked at Alex, frowning. He wore a grey hooded jumper, the words "National Basketball Championships" displayed proudly across the front. His hair was ruffled and strands stuck up carelessly. His face was tired and worn, dark circles hung under his eyes and looked like they had been there for days. I also didn't miss the gnarly bruise that claimed his left cheek. Also, the deep cut on his lip was dried up was a bit of a giveaway. 

"What happened to you?" I asked curiously. 

He shrugged and then let out a chuckle, shaking his head. 

"You were just attacked by a potential psycho and you're asking what happened to me?" He replied, his eyebrows furrowed. 

I frowned, "Ah, yes I believe that was what I was asking..."

Did I not make that clear enough or is this guy as dumb as he looks?

He chuckled, "Okay then, I just busted a lip whilst attempting to bash that guy's head with a beer bottle" He shrugged like it was no biggie. 

My eyes widened "You did what!" 

He hit Rick? Oh, I was so much shit now. 

He nodded, lips pursed. 


"You shouldn't have done that," I said quietly thinking of all the trouble I'm going to be in once I get home. 

He snapped, "Riley, that guy-"

"-Rick" I interrupted

He sighed, "Rick, was attacking you. What else was I supposed to do, you were bleeding for God's sake!" He exclaimed pacing around the room. 

I shook my head, he didn't understand. 

"No, you don't get it! Once I get home he's going t-" I started, but was interrupted by familiar latina women, bursting in through the door. 

I jumped, surprised. 

Her long hair was tied up into a messy ponytail, she wore a turtleneck black sweater and a tight dark green skirt like she had just come from work. I felt guilty. 

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