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(It's very little smut soooo lol)

I woke up and I walked out of the door to Carl's house. I walked in.

"Morning." Carl said to me.

"Morning." I said, smiling.

"We're about to head to the pool. Wanna come? Fiona's got a two piece you could wear." Carl said.

"No, I'm good." I said, remembering that there were bruises on my stomach from the last time my mom kicked me.

"No you don't wanna come, or no you're not wearing the two piece?" Carl asked.

"No I don't want to wear the two piece." I said. "Let's just go to the pool."

We walked to the pool with Liam. We saw Holly.

"She still ignoring you?" Carl asked.

"Just ignore her back." I said.

"Hey Gallagher, looking good." Holly said. I rolled my eyes knowing she was talking to Carl.

"You too, Holly!" Debbie replied.

"Not you. You." She said, looking at Carl.

"Really?" He asked, smiling.

"Aw, your poor leg. Poor baby." Holly said.

"Oh my god, this is such bullshit." I said to myself.

"She's just talking to you to mess with me." Debbie said to Carl.

"Let's hope she just blows me to mess with you." Carl said, smiling. I rolled my eyes and walked away. Debbie followed me. I noticed that they started kissing.

"I'm so over her shit." I said.

"Liam, you're getting ice cream everywhere." Debbie said, obviously not listening to me. Some couple walked by us.

"Why do you get so mad?" The guy asked.

"Why don't you tell me the truth?" She asked.

"You gotta chill, it wasn't even a thing." The guy responded.

"I am not chilling out. You chill out." She said, throwing a drink in his face.


"You're such a slut! You'll screw anything with legs! Scumbag." She said. He jumped into the pool. I looked over at Debbie and she was just staring at him coming out of the it.

"Debbie, stop." I said. She got up with Liam and I got up after her. She pulled on Holly's hair.

"Enough. It's your turn to watch Liam, don't let him drown." She said, putting him on Holly. We both walked towards the guy.

She sat down and started making conversation, but I tried not to listen. She jumped in the pool.

"Hey." He said to me.

"What?" I asked.

"Damn, you're feisty." He said to me. "Want to sit next to me?"

"I'm not interested." I said, not looking at him. He stood up and touched my arm.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah. Get away from me." I said.

"Come on." He said.

"Yo, get the fuck away from her." Carl said. The guy looked at me.

"Whatever. She's probably a slut anyways." He said walking away.

"Hey asshole." Carl said. The guy turned around. He rammed him into the pool.

"Carl!" I shouted.

in love with a gallagher. // c.g.Where stories live. Discover now