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"Wait, so you and Carl?" Debbie asked me quietly, while Sammi, Who now lived here and slept in Lip's old room, made us breakfast.

"No." I said.

"That sucks. You two were cute together." Debs said, looking at Carl who wasn't paying attention to what we were saying. There was a knock at the door.

"I've got it." Sammi said, walking towards the door.

"I'm gonna get you back, Isabel." Carl said. I scoffed.

"Bedrooms are all locked." Sammi said.

"What? Why?" I heard Frank ask.

"To keep you out of them. I boxed your stuff up and put a flea bomb in there for good measure. Box is in the backyard airing out." She said, walking back to the kitchen. Debs, Carl, and I just listened to the conversation.

"Where am I supposed to sleep? Carl's girlfriend is taking up my space and doesn't even live here." Frank said.

"Ex girlfriend." I told him.

"Whatever, you're still boning him." Frank said. I rolled my eyes.

"She does live here, actually, and what do I care? You blew the money you promised you'd use to buy me a new trailer, so it's back to the gutter you slept in last night, or you're on the couch." She said, slapping his hand off the food.

"Damn, she's crazy." I told Debbie.

"And there are new rules around here: no money, no food. You want something to eat, you pay. And there's a curfew. No more coming in at 3 and waking the whole house up anymore. Doors will be locked at 10 o'clock." She said.

"10?" Carl, Debbie, and I all said.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Carl shouted.

"Woah, Woah, Woah!" Sammi shouted. "Young ears! Doors will be locked at 10! No exceptions! Things are changing around here. Should have changed years ago."

"10 o'clock? Liam stays up later than that!" Debbie said.

"That's such a bullshit rule!" I told her.

"Don't try me on this. It gets cold out there on the street late at night. Believe me, I know." Sammi said. I rolled my eyes.

"Ugh, Whatever. I've got to shop, get ready for school." She said.

"School doesn't start for two more days."

"Yeah, middle school starts in two days. High school starts tomorrow." Debbie told Sammi.

"Tomorrow's your first day of high school? Oh, sweetie, are you scared?" Sammi asked.


"I hated ninth grade. Almost got raped by the entire wrestling team my first day. Never should've worn a tank top without a bra. You should dress like that again tomorrow, be safer that way. Oh, and don't forget to pee before you leave home. Bathrooms are a nightmare. Ukrainian girls beat me up my first week because I didn't have any cigarettes. Last time I went to the little girls room without a pack of Virginia slims. You need any money for school supplies? I can loan you a few dollars until Friday if you do." Sammi said.

"No, it's fine. I have stuff from last year, thanks." She said.

"Carl, Isabel, kids, do you need money for school supplies?" She asked us.

"Nah, I'm just gonna steal stuff from the weaker kids." He said.

"Steal some stuff for Chuckie would you please, sweetie?" Sammi asked.

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