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"Colin?" I asked him. I ran to my room to talk to him.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked.

"I want to be with you. No bullshit or anything. I want you and only you." I said.

"Isabel, I-"

"Listen, please just hear me out. You have been my rock since Carl got put away and I'm always going to love him, but at the moment, I'm in love with you. I don't want anybody else." I said.

"Calm down for a minute, Iz." He said, chuckling on the other line.

"What's funny?" I asked.

"You're cute when you're anxious." He spoke. "I was just going to tell you that I'd love to be with you too." He told me.

"Really?" I asked, smiling. Fiona walked in and I hung up immediately. She grabbed my phone and threw it against the wall, shattering it into pieces.

"What the fuck, Fiona?!" I shouted, walking downstairs after her.

"You fucking called him?" Fiona asked me.

"What else was I supposed to do? None of you are talking to me except Liam and he's almost 5!" I exclaimed.

"Okay, so that means turn to your... whatever the fuck he is? I don't get how that solves any of your issues." She told me.

"You're mad because I just went to buy a pregnancy test with Debbie! I didn't see her take it! I didn't know she was pregnant!" I told her.

"Either way, I trusted you to tell me! I'm supposed to be the adult here!" She told me. "But you both are running around making your own decisions as if you're old enough. I get it, Carl is in jail and Colin's family is fucked up, but that doesn't give you any right to act the way you've been acting." She said to me.

"How have I been acting? You're barely home! How would you even know?!" I asked her.

"You have been acting out ever since Carl got arrested. Everybody has noticed it, but nobody has called you out on it." She said.

"I've always acted out." I said to her.

"Look, your mom and dad being abusive drug addicts, losing your dad, losing your baby, it's piling up." She said. "I get it."

"You don't know shit about me, Fiona! I never wanted that damn kid, and I never gave a shit about my dad! You don't know anything about my life or my family's. So stop telling me that you get it, because you really don't." I said.

"What don't I get? I went to school with your older sister she was about three years older than me. You wanna know the truth about her? She's your mom. She got pregnant with you at 14 and made her parents raise you. She dropped out of school and became a druggie. When you were born, you almost died because of the amount of drugs in your system. Then your family moved next door to us and you weren't allowed out of the house until you were 7; that's when you met us." Fiona said. I stayed quiet. "Now say that I don't fucking know you, Isabel." She said, walking out of the room. Debbie looked at her while walking in.

"Jeez that was harsh." She said, sitting next to me at the table.

"I already knew all of that." I said, lowly.

"Then why didn't you-"

"Because she was making a point. She has known me better than anyone in my entire life. Even Carl. She's been my surrogate mom for nearly 8 years. These past few months I've been treating her like shit, unknowingly adding onto her own issues." I said. "When I called Colin, it was to tell him that I wanted to be with him. Fiona heard and she got mad and then this happened." I told Debbie. I looked at her.

"Why do I keep screwing shit up?" I asked.

"Once you fall for a Gallagher, there's really no other way to go but down." She said.

"So there really is no way out?" I asked.

"Nope." She said, getting up to do her own thing. I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote to Carl one last time.

Thank you for showing me what kind of guy you really are... I appreciate that. You're always going to be the first boy who made me feel loved, who made me feel sexy, and who made me confident enough to know what I deserve and if I'm being honest, what I deserve, isn't you anymore. I just don't want anything to do with this gangster shit. I'm out and I'm done. So thank you, Carl Gallagher. For finally making me realize that I deserve so much better.

Isabel Carson. A girl you once knew.

THAT'S THE END! A sequel is already in the works, so don't worry! Towards the end I didn't want to solely base it off of shameless because I wanted to kind of make this ending for the sequel.

I love you guys! Thank you for sticking to the end! I'm sorry for leaving you on such a cliffhanger lol.

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