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"I still don't get why you stayed with that loser." Carl said, sitting on his bed.

"I really don't want to talk about it, if I'm being honest." I told him.

"You never do." He muttered underneath his breath.

"Carl, don't start, please." I said, changing into one of his shirts and a pair of his athletic shorts.

"No, I don't get it. You never want to talk about anything, babe!" Carl spoke.

"Don't call me babe." I said.

"I just watched you change into my clothes. How can I not?" He asked, standing up.

"You've seen me in a bra and underwear before. It's nothing new." I told him. He walked towards me.

"Maybe I could see you without it." He said, pushing me up against his door and kissing me. I kissed back and thins were getting pretty heated until I heard the door downstairs open. I pulled away.

"We'll finish this later." He said. "Might wanna cover up that hickey of yours too." I put my hand on my neck and we ran downstairs.

"Hey, I've gotta go. I'll be back later." Carl said, kissing my cheek and running out the door.

I guess.

"Ian!" I exclaimed, going up to him and hugging him. "How are you?" I asked.

"Yeah, you want some coffee or something, Ian?" Lip asked.

"I'm doing fine, Iz. And no, I'm tired. I'm just need to lay down for a bit." Ian said, walking towards the living room, Fiona following him from behind. She stopped when she entered the living room. We all watched him.

"He's totally Monica." Debbie said, walking away to sit at the table. I followed behind her.

"Without the great ass." Frank said, immediately.

"He's just overmedicated for now, Debs. Don't worry. I'm moving back in for a while, gonna keep an eye on him." Fiona said, walking towards the fridge.

"Nice hickey. My brother give that to you?" Debbie asked, looking at my neck. I covered it with my hand.

"Uh, I don't understand, I got this now and I thought you were married." Sammi said.

"I am, but family comes first." Fiona said.

"You got married?" Frank asked.

"But your husband is your family." Sammi said.

"Okay, Fine, But Gus is going on tour with his band, so it only—"

"Oh my god! You can't let him go on tour without you." Sammi exclaimed.

"Wait, did you really get married?" Frank asked, as he was still somehow astonished at the fact that Fi was married.

"What do you care?" Debbie and I asked at the same time.

"Fiona, in my younger days, I slept with every member of the Guns 'n' Roses cover band Buns 'n' Hoses." She said.

"And that would matter to me why?" Fiona asked.

"Because they all had wives they left back at home. I am telling you, the 1,000 mile rule— that's real." Sammi said.

"The thousand mile rule?" Fiona asked.

"Yeah, when you're on tour 1,000 miles away from your wife, adultery doesn't count." Lip spoke up.

"How do you know that?" Fiona asked.

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