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I woke up to my alarm going off. And several texts.

From: Debbie Gallagher
Hey. I know you don't want to hear this, but I really really miss you at the house. Talk to you tomorrow at school..

From: Debbie Gallagher
Carl misses you. I heard him in the downstairs bathroom leaving messages on your phone.

From: Carl Gallagher
I heard that you were staying at this kid Colin's house.. I fucked up. I know. We need to talk.

From: Lip Gallagher
Ian brought Yevvy home last night. He was admitted to a hospital. Hope everything's going good with you.

From: Fiona Gallagher
Hey, sweetie. We love and miss you. I'm sure that Lip already told you about Ian. Anyways, love you kiddo.

I turned my phone off and began to get ready. There was a knock at my door. I quickly put on a shirt and opened the door.

"Hey, Colin. What's up?" I asked.

"That Carl kid is here asking for you. He's with some big kid." He said. Chuckie. I nodded. "You look nice, by the way." He said.

"Thank you. I'll be downstairs in a minute." I said. I closed the door and continued to get dressed. I put my hair up and then I walked downstairs. Carl saw me and ran to me.

"Hey, beautiful." He told me.

"Let's go outside. Chuckie, you eat my breakfast, I'm not hungry anyways." I said, pulling Carl outside. He shut the door behind me.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked.

"Stop following me around. I'm not your girlfriend, I don't even know if I'm your friend. So you need to stop fucking following me around." I said,

"So what, we stop doing whatever the fuck we were doing and you move into another dude's house? One you barely know?" He asked. "I'm not following you around. I had to have some guys down the block tell me because you didn't have the decency to text any one of my siblings back." Carl told me.

"I needed a break, Carl! I love your family but I cannot keep setting myself up for heartbreak and failure!" I shouted at him.

"What do you mean heartbreak and failure?" Carl asked. "I've never set you up for failure in my entire life!"

"You've never set me up for failure? Let's talk about when you beat a kid nearly to death in 4th grade because he said one bad thing about me, let's talk about you flunking sixth grade and trying to bring me down with you, let's talk about how I cheated on Parker with you and nearly got the shit beat out of me. Oh, here's the icing on the cake. Let's fucking talk about how you lied to me and told me that you were working at a food market, but in reality, you were selling drugs." I told him. "So yeah, Carl. You actually have set me up for failure. But I have always looked past it because I love you and I never want anything but the best." I said. "I love you, but I just can't keep letting you set me up for failure. I want to be happy. I need to be happy." I told him, holding back tears. "So just go home and leave me alone." I said. I walked inside and Chuckie was waiting to Leave.

"Come on, Chuckles. Let's get out of here." Carl said, looking at me.

"Colin is super nice, Uncle Carl!" Chuckie said. "He told me all about his collection of..." His voice faded out after the door shut. I went and sat down on the couch.

"Is everything okay?" Colin asked.

"I think so." I said.

"What was the whole conversation about?" He asked.

"Nothing, it's fine. Let's go to school." I said. We got into his car and we drove to school.

"Do you guys have a past?" He asked, driving.

"Yeah, but I don't really feel comfortable talking about it." I said, fiddling with my fingers.

"It's that bad?" He told me.

"Can we just drop it, Colin? Please?" I asked him.

"Yeah, no, sorry." He said, focusing on the road. We got to school.

A/N: She is a freshman because she skipped a grade when she was younger, if you were curious.

"I'll see you later." I said, getting out of the car. When Colin walked out of the car and away from me, Debbie walked up to me.

"Why are you with him?" She asked. "Are you two fucking?"

"Debs, What the hell? We're not doing anything like that. I haven't done anything with anyone since Carl." I said to her.

"Why did you leave our house?" She asked. "You can't let Carl dictate how happy you are."

"I'm not. But I'm just not up to seeing him everyday after what he's been doing." I said.

"What's he been doing?" She asked.

Shit, Carl hasn't told his family that he's a dealer..

"I don't want to talk about that. All I'm gonna say is that I'm not upset at any of you and I love you guys so much, but living with Carl just isn't something I'm up to doing right now." I said. "But I'm glad that Ian is getting the help that he needs."

"So are we. It sucks that we can't visit him though." Debbie said. We began walking inside the school.

"Well I've got to get to class, so I'll see you later." I said, walking into my first class.

*I'm gonna skip the whole school day because nothing really interesting happens.*

I passed by Debbie and Derek on my way back to Colin's car.

"Hey, Isabel." Derek said, waving to me.

"Hey, Derek. Debbie." I said, smiling. They drove off.

I stood by Colin's car for nearly 20 minutes when he finally came out with a girl. I scoffed.

"I'm just gonna walk." I said, starting to walk away.

"Oh, is this the homeless girl living with you?" The girl asked.

"Seriously, Sophia?" Colin said, scoffing.

"Make it a habit of telling everybody my business?" I asked, walking away.

"Isabel, wait!" He said, running towards me.

"Leave me alone." I spoke. He eventually stopped running after me. I walked to the only other place I could think of. I knocked on the door. A familiar face opened it.

"What're you doing here?" He asked.

"Hey, Carl."

in love with a gallagher. // c.g.Where stories live. Discover now