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"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked Carl.

"Putting my grills in." He said. He smiled in the mirror.

"You look like an idiot." I said, walking downstairs. I sat at the table.

"Hey, hows your day going?" Fiona asked me and Debbie.

"Well, I was thinking that I should go on the pill." Debbie said.

"So, you're gonna be-"

"Well, since things are over with Matty, I figure it's best to be prepared for next time, don't you?" Debbie asked.

"Well, Yeah. But there's more than pregnancy to worry about. How about we stick to condoms?" Fiona said.

"They're only 82% effective. I should use the pill as a back-up." Debbie said, I smiled and laughed to myself.

"Okay, I'll make an appointment at planned parenthood." Fiona said. Carl walked downstairs.

"I gotta run." He said, coming over to me and kissing me.

"Huh, like you need to be somewhere." Debbie said to him.

"While you're sitting on your lazy ass, I'm gonna be at my job." He said.

"What job?" I asked him.

"Please eat more than just a pop tart." Fiona told him, handing him a banana.

"I got hired at the fruit market." He said.

"You only said that because she handed you a piece of fruit." Debbie told him. "What would you do there? You can't even walk."

Some random man walked downstairs.

"Hey, Everyone." He said.

"Everybody, this is Gus. We got in late last night and well, you're meeting him now." She said. "That's Debbie, Carl, Liam, and Carl's girlfriend Isabel."

"Hi." Debbie and I said.

"Who are you again?" Carl asked him.

"He's with Fiona, stupid. She's mentioned him like 20 times." Debbie told him.

"Boyfriend and girlfriend or just fuck buddies?" He asked.

"Carl!" I told him.

"Welcome to my family." Fiona said, handing him coffee.

Carl walked out. I walked after him.

"Carl, what job did you get? Be honest with me." I said.

"Don't worry about it, babe. It's a fruit market." He said, kissing me.

"Fine." I said. "Don't do anything stupid." I told him.

"No, I won't." He said, kissing my cheek. He walked out. I walked in.

"I'm glad that you guys made up." Fiona said.

"Yeah, I mean I guess Lip can have his bed now since I'll be sleeping in Carl's." I said, smiling.

"I've got to get to work. I'll see you later." Fiona said, taking Liam next door. I walked to my house. I walked in.

"Where the fuck have you been the past few months?" My mom asked me.

"I've been staying at the Gallagher's. They've been good to me." I said.

"Well guess who finally came back." I heard a male voice say.

"Dad?" I asked.

"What's up, sweetie?" He said, hugging me. I didn't hug him back.

"Get off of me." I said, pushing him off.

"Hey, you're dating Carl, right?" He asked.

"How do you know Carl?" I asked.

"My usual corner I go to, you know, to buy drugs, and I happened to see him there. In fact, he was the one who gave it to me." He said, smirking and showing me drugs.

"No he didn't, you're lying to me." I said.

"Brown hair, blue eyes, nice smile." He said. I walked out of the house, crying. I walked over back to the Gallagher home. I walked in and saw Carl. Nobody else was home.

"Hey, baby." Carl said, trying to kiss me. I slapped him, still crying.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I shouted at him, hitting his chest.

"Woah, woah, woah! What's up with you?" He asked.

"You're selling drugs on the corner?! I can't believe you lied to me about something so serious!" I shouted.

"Listen, I wasn't going to-"

"No you fucking listen to me. I've been through enough shit in my life. Having my boyfriend killed on the street corner because he's dealing drugs is not going to be one of them." I said.

"Frank said that-"

"So you're listening to Frank now?" I asked him.

"Stop interrupting me! Frank's my dad! I'm always going to be there for him no matter what dumb shit he does!" He shouted back at me.

"What about me, Huh? Do I just not mean shit to you anymore?" I asked him.

"You mean the world to me. I just need the money for this." He said, trying to put his arms around my waist. I pushed him away.

"No, Carl. I love you too fucking much to let you throw your life away like this." I said.

"You, you what?" He asked me.

That was the first time I'd said that to him.

"Don't change the subject!" I shouted towards him. Debbie walked in before we could finish our conversation. I got up close to his ear. "I'm not done talking about this." I said, walking towards Debbie.

"Guys, I'm in love." She said, plopping herself on the couch.

"Who is it today, Debs?" Carl asked, laughing.

"Shut it, dumbass. And his name is Derek. I punched Holly in the face and he saved my life." She said, smiling.

"You punched her in the face?" I asked.

"That's a different story. Anyways, I joined a boxing gym and I'm learning how to fight." She said, still smiling.

"You could've just learned from me. I've been fighting my whole life." I said.

"This way I get to see Derek." She said.

"Man, you really are boy crazy." I told her, laughing. Carl grabbed my arm softly.

"Can we go upstairs and talk?" He asked, whispering in my ear.

"No. There's nothing to talk about. I don't want a boyfriend who sells drugs." I said to him.

"So we're just over?" He asked.

"Unless you stop with the corner, Yeah. We are." I told him.

"We've been dating for less than a week." He said.

"You shouldn't have lied about something so serious." I said. "And to think I told you that I loved you for the first time not even three hours ago." I said, not facing him.

"Are you kidding me?" He asked

"No. I'm not. Stop bugging me." I said, continuing to watch tv with Debs.

in love with a gallagher. // c.g.Where stories live. Discover now