Chapter 1

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(Lucy POV) I snuck into Erzas house and looked around in her bedroom. I smiled evily when I found a Jellal chibi doll that looks similar to the Erza one he has

I quickly ran back to the guild before anyone left. I slammed the doors open with a big goofy grin on my face

"HEY MIIIRRRAAAA?" I shouted with her matchmaker voice

"Who is it?" She yelled anxiously running up to me

"I think Erza should see this" I said and we walked up to the red haired mage

"Hey Errrzzaaa" I said with an evil smile

"What did you do now" She said facepalming

"Oh. Nothing really. Except for the fact I ran into Jellals group and snuck this from him!" I shouted holding up the Erza doll. Her face turned bright red and smoke came out of her ears

"Your knight and shining armor should be here soon Erza, that wool bomb from Aries won't last a bit longer" I said laughing. Just as I said that, someone bust open the door

"LUCY!" Jellal shouted marching in here

I started to laugh while everyone was confused/scared

"Are you looking for this?" I asked holding up the Erza doll. Everyones eyes widened

"And Erza, shouldn't you show Jellal THIS!" I yelled showing the little Jellal doll

They both turned bright red and looked at eachother. "OH JUST KISS ALREADY!" Mira shouted and everyone just nodded there heads

"Lucy.... give those back" They said angrily at the same time

"Not until you kiss" I said with a happy/fangirling voice

Erza requiped her sword and Jellal glew yellow. I threw Mira the Jellal doll and we both ran in different directions

"GOTTA CATCH US FIRST!" We shouted and ran across the guild

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