Chapter 5

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(Lucy POV) "I'm afraid I don't know what your talking about. My mom taught me Celestial Magic and that was it" I lied to the master

"Meet me at Crystal Forest. It is time to resume your training" A familiar yet warm voice said in my head.

"I see. Well, you should get some rest at home" Master said. I got up out of the bed and stumbled a bit when I walked

I took a deep breath and felt calm. I walked out into the main room and everyone was busy doing there own thing. This may sound selfish but I just had a friken heart attack and none of them we're worried. Team Natsu seems to be on a job to cause I didn't see them anywhere

I sighed in defeat and walked out the front door. I looked at them one more time, and then closed the door. I guess I'll be back soon Fairy Tail. The mark on my hand started to dissappear as I walked away from the guild

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