Chapter 23

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(Lucy POV) I sat down against a tree and played with my hair. I don't feel like talking to the anymore

"You know Lucy, what you said was pretty mean" Jellal said walking outside

"Yea yea whatever. He deserves it anyways" I said simply, not caring that much

"I have a question I've been wanting to ask for a long time. About 2 years ago, how did you find Meredy, Ultear and I?" He asked suspicious

"I was walking in the woods and I heard you guys arguing, then I saw you sneak in that little Erza doll of yours, and I knew Erza had one just like it of you, so I took it when you were asleep and took Erzas then you guys met up" I explained

"Im still curious how you heard us. I put up a sound barrier so know one could hear or see us" Ultear said appearing out of no where

"GEEZ! Don't scare me like that. Anyways, around that time, my real powers were unlocking and I can hear/see through any barrier. Unless it's pure dark magic" I explained still kinda startled

"What magic do you have anyways?" Meredy asked appearing on the other side of me, giving me another small heart attack

"Man you three are sneaky. I use Sound Dragon Slaying most of the time, but the sword is a secret I cannot tell" I said trying to calm my heart down

"Alright. Thanks Lucy" Ultear said

"Jellal... why can't we go see your GIRLFRIEND?" Meredy shouted girlfriend making Jellal turn a shade of pink

"You seriously haven't seen Erza yet. We'll come on, you can come with me" I said with a smirk and took her hand

"YAY!" She shouted and we ran inside

"Still the same" Jellal and Ultear muttered

I barged in the guild, making everyone look at us. "HEY GUYS! LOOK WHO I RAN INTO!" I shouted happily

"Hello" Meredy said smiling

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