Chapter 35

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(Lucy POV) "Shouldn't we go help..." Mira questioned as she sweatdropped

"Nah, she won't kill  him. This is just a punishment" I said calmly making everyone laugh or pass out.

Lisanna was still in shock on the floor, touching her neck where the mark used to be.

"Stand up girl geez" I said pulling her up. She looked lost... but furious as well

"ATTENTION BRATS! I just got news from the magic council and this is of upmost emergency. It seems a demon is attacking cities of Fiore and all offical guilds must send their strongest members to go fight" Master announced

"What kind of demon?" Erza asked, ready to fight

"It seems to be Satan himself" Master sighed. Everyones eyes widened. I laughed a little which earned me some stares. After a few seconds of my laughter building up, I was on my knees laughing

"Th..That old man is fighting again...HAHAHAH" I said and laughed even harder

"Lucy..." Natsu said kinda worried

"I will be sending Natsu, Erza, Gray, Lucy and Sara. That is all" Master said and he threw Natsu a paper ball that was directions.

I stopped my laughing and wiped the tears that fell. "Man that was a good laugh. Can I see that paper?" I asked Natsu and he handed me it

"Maybe I could control Satan for him to kill Lucy so Natsu can be mine" I read Lisannas thought

I read the paper and he is attacking many cities and many little villages. "YO SARA! LOOKS LIKE OLD MAN IS UP AND ACTIVE!" I shouted and she ran in with a knocked out Zeref

"Really?! We get to battle him again!" She shouted happily and put Zeref on a chair.

"Again?" Gray questioned

"You'll find out soon enough" I said with an emotionless face.

"Well come on! Let's get going to kill him once and for all!" Natsu shouted and everyone cheered

Oh boy... they don't have any clue how powerful he is....

The Sounds of Flames ~ A Nalu FanficWhere stories live. Discover now