Chapter 41

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(Natsu POV) It's been 3 days now and Lucy hasn't woken up yet. Her temperature is at a dangerous low and we can't seem to warm her up

Lisanna keeps trying to get me to do missons or train with her or something. I just stay by Lucys bed and leave if I need to eat or shower.

"Lucy....why won't you wake up...why?" I asked quietly as tears streamed down my face

I layed my head on the side of her bed and fell asleep in seconds


"Well Nastu, it seems that you found her" Igneels voice said in this black abyss

"Igneel? Where are you?" I asked looking around

"That does not matter. Melody is getting pissed off at me for the injurys of her pupil. Anyways, listen. Do you love Lucy?" He asked and came out of the shadows. His dragon body shrunk down into human form. He looked a lot like me.

"Y..yes.. Of course I do!" I exclaimed like it should be obvious

"Do you want to be by her side forever?" He asked me with a small smirk

I looked down at my feet. "Y..yea" I said stuttering and that only made him chuckle

"Her temperature is dropping by the days. The only way to save her is..." He started but I immediately knew what it was

"Seriously?! That's all it was?!" I exclaimed pacing around in circles, mumbling why I didn't think of this before

"Well I'll see ya later boy. I gotta talk Melody to make her shut up. Later" He said with a wide grin and dissappeared. The Black abyss turned into a bright light.

~~~~~~END OF DREAM~~~~~~

I woke up to Wendy shaking me. That dream haunts my memories.

"Nastu-san, you should go home and sleep" Wendy said concerned. I looked at the clock on the wall and it was 8 PM.

"No. I'm staying here" I said stubbornly

"Alright. Just remember that Happy will be with me and Carla tonight" Wendy reminded me. The exceeds are having a sleep over, which is odd to me

"Yes yes I know" I said with tiredness in my voice. She smiled and walked out, leaving me in the dark room with a sick and sleeping Lucy

Is that the only way to save her? I don't want her to be stuck with me if she doesn't want to...

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