Chapter 19

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(Lucy POV) "Oi Lucy!" Natsu said and walked up to me with Lisanna. "Wanna go on a job?" He asked with his grin

Not with Lisanna. "No thanks. I'm not in a mood to work" I said sweetly

"Alright, we'll see you later then..." He said sounding depressed. I felt a pain in my gut, regret. I couldn't survive long with Lisanna. She turned her head slightly and smirked.

I sighed and layed hid my head in my arms on the counter. I was trying to keep the tears from coming. My eyes started to burn.

I got up and ran out of the guild. I can't cry in front of everyone. I ran all the way to the Sakura Trees and leaned against one of them, tears streaming down my face.

Why... why am I crying so much. Is it that he's going to be alone with Lisanna? That I made him sad? Or is it I get this feeling he'll start loving her more than me?

I put my hand on my mouth, fall on my knees and start to cry harder. Why? Why why why?

"LUCY!" Saras voice rang in the wind. I heard running footsteps and it got louder by the second.

I curled up into a ball and leaned against the tree. I hid my eyes in my knees and cried even harder. Sara ran up and saw me crying. I couldn't stop.

"Lucy.... it's okay..." She said hugging me from the side and trying to make me smile

"You know it... She's going to take him from me.." I said with tears falling down my face

The wind blew and the petals flew down gracefully. Sara tried her best to calm me down but it didn't work.

All my emotions that I've kept locked inside me are now starting to leak free. The tears kept on coming and coming.

I finally stopped when it got dark. Sara fell asleep next to me. I picked her up and carried her back to my apartment.

I layed her in the spare bed I have and pulled the covers over her. I sat on my pink bedspread and just thought. I looked at my bracelet and one of the charms was turning black. I hope what I saw doesn't happen.

The Sounds of Flames ~ A Nalu FanficWhere stories live. Discover now