Chapter 7

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(Lucy POV) I woke up to the sun shining on my face. Today's the day! I missed them all so much. Even though they probably didn't notice I was gone. I will get revenge. Somehow....

I pulled myself up out of bed and started a bath. I stripped down and sat in the bath for a while. It felt nice to be back.

I got out and dried off. I put on a purple dress that goes down to my thighs, with a white belt with white combat boots. To you it may looks werid, but it looks great to me.

I brushed my hair out and put it on a ponytail with my fringe hanging out. I washed off the dirt of my face with a towel and looked at myself in the mirror. Perfect!

I smile at myself and walked out. I lock my door behind me and head out towards the guild

I got to the guild and everything was the same. It wasn't as loud as usual though. I wonder why?

I open the door and walk in. Everyones heads shot twoards me. "Hi everyone! I'm back!" I exclaim

Everyone ran up to me screaming "LUCY!" while crying. They all group hugged me and I stood there awkwardly.

Natsu came up last once the group hug ended and hugged me so tight like he never wanted to let go. "Don't you ever leave me like that again" He said crying. Wait... crying? Natsu can cry?!

I hugged him back and we stood there for a while. He cried into my shoulder as a few tears fell down from my face.

We pulled apart and Mira came up to me with a Fairy Tail stamp hidden behind her back. "Do you want to join again?" She asked hopefully

"Can I get purple right here?" I asked pointing to my right shoulder. She nodded and stamped me.

I looked around and noticed Lisanna was gone. I'm not going to ask though. I'm pretty sure something happened

"PARTY FOR LUCYS RETURN!" Master shouted and we all cheered.

It's nice to be home

The Sounds of Flames ~ A Nalu FanficWhere stories live. Discover now