Chapter 4

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(Lucy POV) It's been about a month now and everyones been ignoring me. The only person that talks to me is Wendy. Gajeel and Lily some how warmed up to Lisanna and Juvia has made her ANOTHER love rival

"Oi! Lucy!" Natsu said walking over

'first time he's talked to me in a month' I thought in my head

"Yes?" I asked turning my head to him

"The team decided that you are kicked out of Team Natsu and are now replaced my Lisanna" He said with a grin

"Wha... why?" I asked about to cry

"You're to weak. All you do is hold us back. You have to rely on your sprirts and can't do anything right" Natsu said with a large grin? He's happy about this?

A pain in my chest started to happen. My heart started to burn but it was beating to fast. I fell on my knees and could barley breathe

"LUCY!" Wendy said noticing I fell

"Heart... attack" I said and blacked out

I woke up with white blankets on me and brick all around me. I'm in the Fairy Tail infirmary.

I sat myself up and saw Wendy next to me. She smiled and hugged me when she saw I was up. "Thank goodness you were okay! I thought my magic couldn't help you!" She said and started to cry

I sweatdropped but hugged her back. "What happened anyways?" I asked her breaking from the hug

"Natsu kicked you out of the team, which caused you to have a heart attack. Have you ever had them before?" Master asked appearing next to me

"I did have heart problems as a child. Why?" I asked him

Wendy and Master looked at eachother like 'should we tell her?'

"Well, you see. As you were asleep these few days..." Master said before I interrupted him

"A FEW DAYS?!" I shouted and then fell on my back

"Yes. Anyways, as you were asleep. Loke came out and told me that your true power was awoken and that you were no longer a Celestial Mage. You keys dissappeared and are now spread all around Fiore. Care to explain what magic?" Master explained

"My true magic..." I said quietly to myself and a memory came back


"Come on Lucy! One more try" My mother said encouraging me

"SOUNDS DRAGON ROAR!" I shouted and a purple beam came from my mouth

"Yes! Great job Lucy! You have mastered your first spell" Mama said and rubbed my hair into a mess


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