Chapter 28

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(Lucy POV) Erza is staying at my house for the next few days. She doesn't want to be found by Jellal. I perfectly understand.

"Time to go to the guild" I yelled into the apartment. My silver belt shimmered with the black top and white jeans I have on, along with the silver combat boots. My hair is just down today

"Coming!" Shouted Sara as she ran into the living room, with Erza walking behind her

"You sure you want to go today? We could always just hang around town" I asked Erza concerned

"Yea. If I miss a day, people will go crazy" She said calmly

"Alright. Let's get going" I said leading them out the door

~~~~AT GUILD~~~~

I opened the door of the guild and everyone was as loud as ever. One blue haired man sat gloomy at one of the though. His fault

"LU-CHAN! ERZA! SARA! OVER HERE!" Levy shouted which made Jellal turn his head towards us

"Erza.." He said and she ignored him

We all walked up to the bar stand and sat down. Levy, Mira, Wendy and Cana were sitting and chatting away.

"Why are you ignoring Jellal?" Mira asked

She looked like she was about to cry. A tear fell from her eye and everyone gasped. She wiped it off quickly before anyone noticed.

"She was walking home when she heard voices. She searched in the woods and saw Jellal and Ultear... kissing" Sara explained

Erza was about to break down. I could see it. "Help me get her outside" I said to Mira and Levy

We all threw an arm to help Erza walk and walked through the isle of the front room. Everyone stopped and looked at us. Jellals eyes widened as all of us gave him death glares

We got outside and she fell on her knees, tears streaming down. We pulled her up and forced her into a group hug.

"It'll be alright" Wendy said using a spell to calm her down

The tears kept falling but she didn't make any noise. She was to heartbroken. "How about we go on a girls day?" Cana suggested

"That sounds fun!" Mira exclaimed

"Y..y..yea" Erza said stopping the tears. I helped her up and we all smiled, trying to cheer her up

"OH! I KNOW JUST THE PLACE TO GO!" Sara shouted and took Erzas hand and practically dragged her away

Everyone sweatdropped. "She's very...." Wendy started

"Entergetic" Levy finished. We all nodded and ran to follow them.

We eventually found them and Sara had taken her to the new armor shop I showed her as her tour. It only sells magic armor.

Erzas eyes sparkled. "Ive never seen this place before" She said excited

"Pick out 5. I'll pay" I said flashing my jewels card. Since I got bored of carrying all my jewels, I had it transferred to a card

"Are you sure?" She asked

"Of course!" I said smiling and we walked inside

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