Chapter 10

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(Natsu POV) She beat me so easily, not to mention that little attack Lisanna. I have to agree with her, Lisanna was getting on my nerves about acting like a brat. Not to mention she attacked Lucy first hand.

"Hey Luce! Lets go exploring!" I said and grabbed her hand

"Okay" She said smiling and we walked away from the guild, holding hands

(Lucy POV) Nastu. Is. Holding. My. Hand.

I admit I do have a crush on him. I'm probably bright red right now

"Lets go get some food. I'm starving" He said and lead me to a restaurant I've never seen before. Most likely opened when I was gone.

We walked in and sat ourselves down. Was this a date? "Natsu, why are you acting like this?" I asked the pink haired fire dragon looking at me

"Acting like what?" He asked snapping out of it

"Natsu... is this a date?" I asked him ad I felt my cheeks heat up. His turned a shade of pink

"I..I guess it is" He said stuttering

"Great!" I said smiling. He looked up with nervous eyes at first, but then they turned happy and he smiled.

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