Chapter 2

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(Lucy POV) Jellal chased after me with his Metor, but I dodged him quickly. I ran back to Mira and we faced back to back

"On three" Mira said smiling

"One, two, three" We said as they chased after us. We jumped in the air and that made then crash into eachother, making them kiss. They froze but then I saw them melt into the kiss.

We landed on the ground and squealed. "Alright, now that you two obviously love eachother, here" I said and threw Jellal the Erza doll. Mira threw the Jellal doll to Erza.

"What's with all this rukus?" Master asked walking out of his office

He saw Jellal and Erza and his eyes widened. "FINALLY! Are you two dating yet?" He shouted and everyone laughed a little

"M..Master?!" Erza exclaimed

"Why don't you two go on a walk across Magnolia! Go on now! Shoo!" Natsu said and pushed them out of the guild

All the girls highfived me. "How did you get Erzas doll Lucy?" Levy asked

"I snuck into her house and took it. I know it's bad but it was for true love" I said seriously then pounded my chest once

"Is my craziness rubbing off on you?" Natsu asked throwing his shoulder over me

"Maybe" I said turning my head away

"Next ship up, Nalu" I heard Mira whispered to Levy

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